J Marvin Hunter's



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Vol 01 No. 07 - April 1924

Faithful Negro Wields Axe in Big, Fight.

April, 1848 Account of one of the most desperate hand-to hand struggles known in frontier history. Captain Jobn Yeary, daughter Vina, a most beautiful girl of sixteen, his three sons, Walter, David and James, and a faithful negro known as Anderson , among the very first settlers in the western part of Lamar Co. Anderson, wielded his ax with deadly effect and proved a hero in defense of his master and mistress. Anderson, who had shown the loftiest couiage in this fight, gave an amusing account of the action a few weeks after it occurred. "Tell yo' Sah," said he' "Marse John done gone an' forgit all 'bout de meetin' house. and de Baptis~' church. Yes, he did, sah, …Dom Injuns run to meet him an' he dis slashed dis way and dat way an' knockin' fust 'one an' den anoder an' den he busted de haid o' de big Injun an' de hoe hannel broke clean off. All de time he was cussin.' Huh! yol nebber -heard a man cuss lak Marse John cuss dem low down Injus. Den he holler,to 'old Missus to bring his gun. He jumped ober de fence, and yell to me an' he says 'An'erson, charge 'em; charge de d--m scoundrels, we can whup 'em. D-m 'em-save your ole Missus and young Missy.' He den commenced knockin' 'em down as fas' as he could git at 'em, som Injuns sprawlin' on de ground-, Ole Missus comin' wid de gun, de arows.a flyin" de tomahawks and knives a-flashin' aroun' leberwhar. Ole Marse his haid a bleedin,' young Missey holdin' de do' to -keep -de Injups from gitti ' her and blood,runnin' out o' Injuns lak water …

The Council House Fight in San Antonio

H. G. Bedford. Account of dreadful fight within the doors of the council House in San Antonio, early in 1840. Comanche chiefs sent a message Colonel H. W. Carnes, indicating their desire for a treaty of peace. Colonel Carnes, were informed by him, that if they would deliver all of the white prisoners whom they held in captivity, some thirteen in all, that they would have peace. Comanches came and brought only 1, Commisioners threatened to imprison Indians, and fight broke out.

Mentions: Colonel Fisher, Colonel W_ G. Cooke and General H. D. McLeod, Captain Howard Captain Caldwell, (known as Old Paint), Captain Denington, Judge Hood, Colonel Wells, Colonel Redd

My Experience on the Range and on the Trail.

Written by A. Huffmeyer, San Antonio, who was born in Kendall County, Texas, on a farm on the Guadalupe River, November 25, I855. Recounts his varied experiences in and around the Frio River, Frio county, Saint Mary's College, San Antonio, ranch life on ranch located 35 miles southwest of where Pearsall is now, was James Blackaller, who lived about 200 yards away, and the, next nearest was Jake Vinton, two miles above on the river, the Francisco Creek, seven miles, south of Castroville, a young negro named Henry Tollet, Mr. Sam Maverick, the father of Sam, Albert and William Maverick, Mr. Charley Stewart, a Yankee living at the Sheidly ranch, four miles below on the river, .Mr. Calvin Woodward and Mr. Oge

Inside Story of Life of John Wesley Hardin.

By John Warren Hunter.

Old timers who knew John Wesley Hardin and those who were cognizant of the circumstances surrounding his arrest at Pensacola will not and never did agree with Lieut. J. B. Armstrong's report of the affair as published in the Express and other papers at the time. A full and true account of Mr. Hardin's betrayal and apprehension is too voluminous to be given here, but this much may be said with regard thereto: John Wesley Hardin was never-so cool as when in battle. He was a quick and sure shot, and if there had been a desperate fight as Lieut. Armstrong reported, the arresting party would have been greatly reduced in numbers, and , Lieut. Armstrong might not have survived to tell his bombastic story. George Scarborough , F. M. McMahan, Sellman, and many others in this illuminating story. Prison, lawyer, renegade. Gunman.

George W. Saunders Rasps Critics of the Pioneers.

George W. Saunders examines and answers statements and inaccuracies: Teddy Blue, Stuart Henry Hough's "North of 36", George West, San Antonio, Texas; D. S. Combs, San Antonio, Texas; Charles Goodnight, Goodnight, Texas; A. D. MeGheer San Marcos, Texas; W. E. Cureton, Meridian, Texas; M. A. Withers and Sam Garner, Lockhart Texas; Jim Daughtery, Van Horn Texas; Luther T. Clark, Quannah, Texas; L. D. Taylor, Bigfoot, Texas. the Chisholm Trail-men

A Running Fight on Big Saline.

J. B. Gillett. Speaks of Capt. D. W. Roberts while camped with his company of rangers on Little Saline, which was in the eastern part of Menard County, December 1874. Sergeant Jim Hawkins, and Privates Cupp and Ben Springer, the cattle ranch of Rance Moore on the Big Saline

Band of Indian Raiders Destroyed

A. J. Sowell, in San Antonio Light

In 1855 the Indians made a raid in the vicinity of Selma, on the Cibolo creek, near the line of Guadalupe and Bexar counties, and carried off a drove of horses, belonging mostly to John B. Brown and Captain William Davenport. The latter was in command of a small company of minute men for frontier protection. Among the men who belonged to this company were William Hale, George Murchason, Hood Murchason, William Turner, J. W. Smith and others. Story of courage and endurance, mentioning further, settlement of Boerne, the Medina valley, small Mormon settlement where Bandera is now, Paint Creek, one of the tributaries of South Llano, the Rev. John S. McGee, who had lost a son a short time before, killed by Indians on the Cibolo. Mrs. John A. Miller…

Gored by a Wounded Buffalo.

W. N. Brazzil, Louise, Texas who was born in Texas, and raised, principally in Bell county, and later at Jefferson, Texas, tells of experiences buffalo hunting, one of which ended with the gruesome scene of his companion "Frenchy" impaled by the horns of a great buffalo….Mentions: Clear Fork of the Brazos River and camp at Sand Ruff Cave, Dig Springs, Ad. Holt, of St. Louis, Missouri

Texas Raingers on the Border.

San. Antonio Light, August 9, 1914. In 1875 a frontier battalion was organized to operate against the Indians. Captain Neal Coldwell was appointed captain of Company F, Pat Dolan was first lieutenant, F. C. Nelson second lieutenant and there were 75 enlisted men. There were six companies in all, the whole being under the command of Maj. John B. Jones…stationed at the head waters of. the Guadalupe river. "On one occasion George Danner, William Baker and Joe Moss were camped with a, wagon four miles east of the Frio water hole hunting game and wild honey. They had found a bee cave in a gorge and were robbing it when they were attracted by the barking of a dog at their wagon on the hill. Climbing out to see what was the matter they discovered a band of nine Indians who had taken their wagon horses and were carrying them off, the dog following and barking at them…" Further mentions events around Cypress creek and, the Frio, which came in above the town of Leakey, Sam Larrymore, Pedernales, Sergt. W. Caston, , Sam Henry, Carruthers , Fort Davis , Jesse Evans from New Mexico. "Red" Bingham, Sergt. Ed Seiker, Tom Carson Fort Stockton

Foul Murder in San Antonio.

Mentions account of Senor, Nevarez who was found one morning lying dead In his bed, which was covered with blood. His head had been crushed with some blunt instrument and his throat cut. Trunks and chests in the room were broken open. Two of his servants, a man and a woman, were found in an adjoining room bound and gagged. A young man servant was found dead at the threshold of the back door and a, fourth servant, a 'man was found desperately wounded just outside of the back door. No clew was ever found to the, perpetration of this terrible crime.

Original Castroville Colonist.

John B. Wernette, one of the two male suvivors, of the original Castroville Colony, died at San Antonio, February 28, Mr. Wernette was born June 17, I835, and came to this country at the age of nine, immigrating under Henry Castro in.1815. The ship in which he made the voyage to this country was the Robinson, then the largest, boat afloat. The start was made from Antwerp and the landing was made it New Orleans, 51 days later with a passenger list of 3000 immigrants…

Mentions further: Captain Pope , the Valley of the Pecos, Francisco Monier.

Alonzo Steele Fought at San Jacinto.

This account of the battle of San Jacinto, fought April 21, 1836, was given by Alonzo Steele, the last survivor of the battle which won Texas' independence.

Mentions further: Captain Dagget's company of volunteers, Joe Bennett , General Houston , Beeson's Crossing, on the Colorado. colonel. James Gillespie ,Sidney Sherman , Grossis , Harrisburg. ,Buffalo bayou , Deaf Smith , Vince bayou, Sherman , "Erwin Sisters" ,. Dave Rusk , General Tom Green

Wild Beasts and Wild Men.

By Chas. T. Carlton

He tells of varied experiences in the early days of the valley in Southwest Texas extending from Sabinal to the Divide, fifty miles north, gradually ascending until at the mountain there bursts forth sparkling springs of water which supply the Sabinal and, Frio rivers. Over the divide to the east is the Seco, which runs into the Hondo, another little stream which winds down by Castroville. Years ago this was a wild region, inhabited by but few settlers, and great numbers of bears and other wild animals used to lurk and hide in the brakes of the Seco and make excursions into the neighboring valley in quest of hogs, colts and calves. The Indians also, found this a fine region in which to replenish their depleted horse herds when they came down from the north on their moonlight raids. By day and night the prowling Indian and the wild beasts of the mountain might be encountered at the very doors of the settlers when they least expected danger. Here is his first-hand account.

Was in Texas Ranger Service

John Guthrie

Whose captain's name was Wheat with headquarters at Upton, Bastrop County, enlisted in Williamson County, Texas

The Grasshoppers of Texas.

This article appeared in the Texas Almanac in I860, and was written by Mr. Samuel J. Wood, Assessor and Collector of Travis county at that time: It concerns the appearing and various movements of massive hodes of grasshoppers in TX during 1850s.

Arranges for Celebration

The Panhandle Plains Historical Society meeting. Mentions: T. K. Turner, Amarillo; A. H. Nelson, Romero, Mrs. Olive K. Dickson, Miami; J. A. Hill, Canyon, were elected directors. The directors elected E. F. Turner, president, O. H. Nelson, first vice president; Mrs. Olive K. Dixon, second vice president; Mrs. T. V. Reeves, secretary, secretary; Miss Margaret Boulware, treasurer, and Miss Tennessee Malone custodian.

Mysterious Gold Mine of El Paso County.

Discoveries of gold in the turquoise mine of A. D. Hudson, in the eastern part of El Paso county, near Van Horn, and the statement. of the United States military officer about the California prospectors finding gold in the Bass canyon,,near the same place, have brought to mind stories and facts leading to conclusion that there is a rich gold region in the northeastern portion of El Paso county, of marvelous richness. The Guadalupe, the Diablos, Quitman, and the, Black mountains are in the golden area. Great story further mentions: an old Mexican, of Tularosa; who had been captured by the Mescalero Apaches when flve years old, related that his captors took him along on a hunting trip to Guadalupe mountains and while there he, saw them gathering nuggets of gold in a gulch., A Mescalero Apache informed the late G. W. Wood, of El Paso, for whom he worked in the Jarila mines, that "if he sought gold, he should go to the mountain called 'smoky' over the line in Texas "where," said the indian, "my people used to go and gather gold,", Another story is that of John Kilgore, an old Texan, and a man of undoubted veracity, who said…", Green Ussery, a rich cattle man of west Texas, was walking along a gulch near the Chico ranch in the Guadalupes when he saw Lee Church, a friend, who was with him, pick up a gold…" Several years ago, Cicero-Stewart, under Sheriff of Eddy county, New Mexico, was up in the mountains hunting for the lost mine…" F. H. Hardesty, residing in El -Paso was induced to relate his own experience as follows: "About a year and a half ago, Lucius Arthur stopped at my place to get water for himself and pack animal, and remained over night. Becoming confidential, he divulged to me the secret that…" Further names/places mentioned: the most realistic, and marvelous story of gold, in comparison with which the stories" of the lost "Cabin Mine" and "Nigger Ben Mine" the Lost Sublett Mine., Ross Sublett, Mike Wilson, a former crony of " old man Sublett, " Abe Williams', the Russell hills of the Guadalupes

Early Day Homicides in San Antonio

By Taylor Thompson 

Describes 2 separate killings that occurred on the corner of Goliad Street and Main Plaza in San Antonio. Also another homicide on the second story of what was known as the James building on the corner of Market street and Main plaza. Another mysterious murder took place in the old Lewis mill near the fort bridge on Market street… Further mentions: Jonathan Hackett, Bob Wilcox, Nat Lewis, one of the early pioneers of San Antonio, a well known German citizen named Leffering, Eagle Pass.

Texas Independence Won at San Jacinto

On the 21st of April, 1836, was fought the battle which won Texas' freedom from Mexico, and forever separated this fair land from Mexican rule and domination. This is a great account of this event and mentions further: Gen. Houston’s tactics, bravery, wisdom, etc, the sad fate of Fannin and his men, Harrisburg, David G. Burnet, Galveston Bay, the "Twin Sisters," Buffalo Bayou near Harrisburg. "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad! " Vince's Bridge over Vince's Bayou, five miles from Harrisburg, Deaf Smith, the famous scout.


By John Warren Hunter

During Civil War, certain individuals, know as the Home Guard were enlisted into service to force any able-bodied man into conscription. They excercised their "authority" in a way that made them odious to the populace of Texan citizenry, in the words of Mr. Hunter, "Such was the high-handed, outrageous conduct of the Home Guards, not only in a few sections but throughout the state generally, that they obtained the sobriquet of "Heel-Flies" on account of the similarity of their course to the tortuous proclivities of a pestiferous insect so well known to cattlemen all over Texas. No class of men, or rather striplings, in our great state has ever been the recipient of more righteous contempt heaped upon them by patriotic men and women of Texas- than these Home Guards" Lengthy, detailed and engaging account mentioning further: Mr. Cox, Sal Colorado, or Arroyo Colorado, King's ranch, 125 miles from Brownsville, the hanging of the three Howards and two Hembys-Union men, San Patricio, Miss Annie Inman, Captain Hair and Bluster, Jose Pampelino, to A. B. McDonald , Judge Riley Tate, Tom Hogan , old Dr. Ponton.

Some Names mentioned in this volume:

Andy Adams; J. B. Lt Armstrong; Lucius "Frenchy" Arthur; Capt Baker; William; Gen Banks; Sam Bass; H. G. Bedford; Gen Bee; Capt Joe Bennett; Mrs W. F. Bickenbach; Red Bingham; Tom Bird; James Blackaller; Judge Blackburn; Miss Margaret Boulware; R. L. Bourland; W. N. Brazzil; E. A. Brininstool; John B. Brown; Mrs Amanda Burk; David G. Burnet; Mrs W. J. Calbraith; Capt Caldwell; Capt "Old Paint"; Miss Mary Ann Calhoun; Sgt Carauthers; Chas T. Carlton; Col H. W. Carnes; Tom Carson; Sgt L. B. Caruthers; Mrs John Castleberry; Sgt W. G. Caston; Henry Castro; Lee Church; Don Ciriaco; Amasa Clark; Luther T. Clark; Mrs S. E. Clark; Bill Clements; Mrs S. E. Cleveland; Mrs Will Colcord; Capt Coldwell; Capt Neal Coldwell; D. S. Combs; Col Cooke; Col W. G. Cooke; Jim Cox; Pvt Cupp; W. E. Cureton; Henry Curtis; Capt Dagget; George Danner; Jim Daughtery; Capt William Davenport; Gov E. J. Davis; Capt Denington; Mrs Olive K. Dickson; Capt Dolan; Lt Pat Dolan; Jesse Evans; Lt Mat Finch; Col Fisher; Juan Montero de Garcia; Neenoe; Sam Garner; Pat Sheriff Garrett; Capt James Gillespie; J. B. Gillett; Capt J. B. Gillett; Charles Goodnight; Gen Tom Green; Maj W. M. Green; Mrs John Gunthrie; John Guthrie; Louis Haby; Jonathan Hackett; Capt Hair; William Hale; Rev John N. Hamil; Martha J. Hamil; Mrs Mary A. Farris ; F. H. Hardesty; John Wes Hardin; John Wesley Hardin; Jim Hawkins; Sam Henry; Stuart Henry; J. A. Hill; Tom Hogan; Ad Holt; Judge Hood; Emerson Hough; Gen Houston; Capt Howard; A. D. Hudson; A. Huffmeyer; Augustus W. Hunter; James Talmage; John Warren ; Mrs M. A. Warren; Prof Warren; Rev W. E. Warren; Miss Annie Inman; Gen Jackson; J. D. Jackson; Gen Jones; Maj John B. Jones; John Kilgore; Sam Larrymore; Mrs Fletcher Layton; Nat Lewis; Mrs J. E. Little; Miss Matilda Lockhart; Ciriaco Lopez; Mrs Newt Lyle; Miss Tennessee Malone; Albert Maverick; Sam Maverick; William Maverick; A. B. McDonald; Rev John S. McGee; A. D. McGhee; Gen McLeod; Gen H. D. McLeod; Frank M. McMahan; Mrs Frank M. McMahan; Mrs John A. Miller; Francisco Monier; Capt Frank Moore; Rance Moore; Joe Moss; Chief Mukawarrah; Dr J. A. Munk; George Murchason; Hood Murchason; Senor Narvarez; Col Neill; A. H. Nelson; Lt F. C. Nelson; O. H. Nelson; Capt Charles L. Neville; Louis Oge; Don Jose Pampelino; John W. Poe; Dr Ponton; Capt Pope; Col Redd; John Redus; Dr A. B. ; Mrs T. V. Reeves; Lt Reynolds; D. W. Capt Roberts; Gov Roberts; Dave Rusk; Antonio Lopez de Gen Santa Anna; Geo W. Saunders; George W. Saunders; George Scarborough; Ed Seiker; John Sellman; Gen Sherman; Sidney Sherman; Charles Siringo; Joe "Hosstail" Small; Deaf Smith; J. W. Smith; A. J. Sowell; Lon Spencer; Pvt Ben Springer; Alonzo Steele; Charley Stewart; Cicero Stewart; Ben Sublett; Ross Sublett; Dick Sullivan; Monroe Surber; Judge Riley Tate; L. D. Taylor; Judge Thompson; Taylor Thompson; Henry Tollet; E. F. Turner; T. F. Turner; William Turner; Green Ussery; Jake Vinton; Susan Washburn; Prof W. P. Webb; Col Wells; John B. Wernette; George West; Capt Wheat; A. N. Wheeler; C. L. Wheeler; E. E. Wheeler; John I. Wheeler; Mrs Martha J. Wheeler; Max Wheeler; Peyton Wheeler; R. A. Wheeler; Lyman Wight; Bob Wilcox; Abe Williams; Mike Wilson; M. A. Withers; G. W. Wood; Samuel J. Wood; Calvin Woodward; Capt Yeary; David Yeary; James Yeary; Capt John Yeary; Miss Vina Yeary; Walter Yeary; Co Yearwood;

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