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Vol 03 No. 01 - October 1925

When Camels Roamed Over Texas

R. C. Crane 

With the establishment of forts at strategic points over the west, the problem of transportation of army supplies became acute, and the question of cost of transportation became a serious one to the quartermaster's department. Here is an excellent account of government's experiment with the camels in the Texas frontier in 1855-58. It was a dream unfulfilled. It was a scheme based upon wisdom; one calculated to inaugurate an entire new scheme of transportation, the result of which world have been the opening, for earlier settlement, one half of our western continent. It failed, but the failure was from causes wholly extraneous to itself.

Further Mentions: Lieutenant D. D. Porter, who became famous in the war between the states as Admiral Porter; Secretary of War John B. Floyd; Gen. Robert E. Lee (then a Lieutenant Colonel, but in command of the United States military forces in Texas); Camp Verde; Mr. W. H. Bonnell.

Jack Potter, The Fighting Parson

John Warren Hunter. A Story of the "Fighting Parson" Andrew Jackson Potter commonly known as Fighting Jack Potter. This fearless Methodist Preacher traveled through Uvalde, Banderea, Kerr, Kendall, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, Tom Green and other counties in the late 1860s 1870s and 1880s. His name was a household word from the Panhandle to the Gulf; from the Colorado to the Rio Grande and the stories of his wit, prowess and adventures were sent abroad in the nation by press and pulpit. Born in Charito county, Missouri, April 3, 1830. He was the son of Joshua and Martha Potter, natives of Kentucky. In early years, wild, rebellious, routy and untamed, he eventually became a fierce Indian fighter, soldier, teamster, frontiersman, and preacher, whose fame and courageous reputation preceded him and whose respect was legendary.

Further Mentions: General Sterling Price; Bent's Fort; Rev. I. G. John, a Methodist preacher; York's creek; Croft's Prairie; Mr. Miller, of Lockhart; Capt. Stoke Holme's Company at Prairie Lee; Wood's regiment, Thirty Second Texas cavalry; DeBray's – regiment; Mr. Potter was in all of the battles of the Red River campaign in 1864; Curry's Creek.

The Old-Time Campmeeting

By L. C. C. Author recalls memories of the campmeetings the people used to have in Mt. Zion community, between Burnet and Bertram. In that neighborhood the Cumberland Presbyterian Church predominated, and still does, although in most places it has merged with the Presbyterian church. The meetings would begin on Friday night and continue for ten days. The preachers that would assemble would be the leading lights of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in this section of Texas, and their names are still held in reverence by many readers of this Japer. They were Uncle Coley Lockett, Bob Davis, the old Civil War Hero, John Hudson, Buck Bowmer, Bob Simpson and others.

Further Mentions: "Uncle Jimmie" Hill's family from Oatmeal, S. N. Reed (father of G, R. Reed 'of this community) and family. A. J. Ater and family, J. W. Warden and family, my uncles, C. B., W. J. and L. E. Kincheloe, Uncle Coley Lockett and family, Uncle Cal Newton and family, Uncle Alex LaForge and family; Ex-Ranger’s Reunion At Ranger Following is the list of ex-Texas rangers who died during the year, 1925. Lee Groomes, Austin ; G. S. McKenzie, Comanche; J. H. B. Norfteet, Silver; A. T. Ritchie, Sydney ; C. M. Sterling, Montague ; J. N. Shrock, Spanish Court; T. W. Thomason, Evant; J. H. Wallace, Decatur; G. M. Wright, Granbury; J. M. Womack, Brownwood; Henry Evans, Talpa; V. I. Braulon, Brownwood; J. C. Bird, Alpine; L. C. Carvey, Archer City; T. H. Hammonds, Comanche; G. W. Johnson, Camp Springs; Frank Ware, Dallas; J. W. Proffitt, Fresno, Calif.

Further Mentions: Major W. M. Green of Meridian; W. H. Roberts of Llano; J. H. Renick of Gorman; L. H. Cook of Bangs, second lieutenant. S. P. Carter of Gorman, adjutant. J. O. Allen of Crosbyton, chaplain. W. Y. Luke of Weatherflord; C. M. Grady of Brownwood; Major William M. Green of Meridan; Miss Ruby Green, daughter of Major Green; the W. V. Brewer farm; Major W. M. Green; Ray Judia of Ranger; C. C. Patterson

Passing of a Pioneer.

In this brief article, Col W K. Baylor speaks of the life of his friend, E. B. Dennis, pioneer and long-time Texas resident, who died August 31st, 1925 at the age of 93.

Captain Peak Recalls Last Indian Fight

W. S. Adair. 

Story of the final clashes between the rangers and the Indians on the Texas frontier, particularly of the last fight with the Apaches, in which the operations of the rangers were directed by Capt. George W. Baylor and Lieut. L. P. Neville, in 1881

Further Mentions: Capt. June Peak; Capt. Nolan; Double Lakes, on the Staked Plains, several day's ride north of Big Spring; the Old Shafer Trail, down the north side of the Concho River; the Old Mullins ranch; Mr. Connell, a ranchman; Ranger W. B. Anglin; Ranger J. W. Bruton; Maj. W. M. Green of Meridian

Couples Wedded Fifty Weeks

Account mentions an event, probably most unique in the whole United States, when at Mission Valley, twenty miles from Cuero, two brothers who married sisters celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with a family reunion. On August 16, 1875, William James Adcock and Miss Ellen Caroline Sparks and Julius Calvin, Adcock and Miss Amanda Elvira Sparks celebrated their marriage with merrymaking at the old Adcock homestead, near the present town of Schroeder, after a double wedding ceremony had been performed uniting the Adcock brothers and the Sparks sisters, an event of no little interest in the community, for the families of both were prominent. It was just an ordinary wedding ceremony at first, according to the old couples, except that Julius Calvin and Amanda Elvira sprang a surprise by joining in the ceremony set for William James and Ellen Caroline. After their marriage the two couples settled down about seven or eight miles apart and lived and reared their families in those same houses and have lived in them through the half century of married life, except for one move of a few miles made by J. C. Adcock and family.

Further Mentions: To the union of William James and Ellen Caroline were born fifteen children: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adcock are seven sons and seven daughters, Russell Adcock of Nixon, J., Mrs. Jessie Flowers of San Antonio, Mrs. Alice Wilbanks of Galveston, W. Adcock of Vinton, La; Mrs. F. C Schlein of Beeville, Walter Adcock of Katy, Texas; Mrs. E. W. Rabel of Thomaston, Marvin Adcock of Beeville, Mrs. Fred Miller Cuero, Oliver Adcock of Cuero, Roy Adcock of Houston, Mrs. W. G. Semmler of Cuero and Earl Adcock of Cuero. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adcock have six children: Will C. Adcock of Houston, Rennie M. Adcock -of Thomaston, Mrs. W. E. Watson of Thomaston, Riley Adcock of Thomaston, Mrs. Jack Paul of Fairbank and Richard Adcock of Thomaston.

The Life Of John Wesley Hardin

Part four in a series: Detailed autobiography of John Wesley Hardin.

Characters: Elizabeth Hardin, William Hardin, Aaron Hardin, Phil Coe, McAnally, Joe G. Hardin, Captain Ballinger, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Sloter, John Norton, Bill Gordon, Shiles And Hiram Frazier, Sol Adams, Captain T. L. Eperson, Barnett Hardin, Anne Hardin, Bob Sikes, Turner Evans, Jack Ruff, Judge Houlshousen, Barnett Jones, Captain Sam Rowes, Clabe Houlshousen, Jim Newman, Trammels, Rushings, Andersons, Simp Dixon, Frank Polk, Tom Brady, John Collins, Hamp Davis, Jim Bradley, Judge Moore, Frank Shelton, Jim Page, Aleck Barrickman, Bill Longley, Ben Hinds, Jim Brown, J. C. Landrum, Huffman, Captain Stokes, Jim Smolly, Jim Clements, Manning Clements, Joe Clements, Gip Clements, Mary Jane Clements, Minerva Clements, Jim Denson, Ferd Brown, Jim Cone, Jake Johnson, Columbus Carol, Bob King, etc, etc

Locations: Round Rock, Mount Calm, Waco, Corn Hill, Red River Station, Montague County, Williamson County, San Antonio, Belton, Austin, Marlin, Falls County, Georgetown, Lockhart, Gonzales, Horn Hill, Brenham, Kosse, Calvert, Bryant, Bonham, Fannin County, Evergreen, Moscow, Polk County, Sumpter, Trinity County, Livingstone, Long King Creek, Logallis Prairie, Navarro County, Pisga, Nolan County, Sweetwater, Corsicana, Cotton Gin, Helena, Limestone County, Hillsboro, Towash, Pinoak, Longview, Marshall, (Continued From Last Month.)

Celebrates One Hundreth Birthday

Account of old Amasa Clark, first citizen of Bandera, who turned 100 years old at time of this printing. Mr. Clark -was born on Socharrie Creek, in Socharrie County, New York. September 3, 1825, only a few yearn after Old Hickory whipped the British at New Orleans and before the Alamo and San Jacinto field were baptized into immortality by the blood of Texas heroes. He has passed through five wars on the soil of the United States. Thus he has faced all of the dangers, hardships and privations that were the lot of those who went ahead to soften the wilderness for the tender feet of civilization. When Amasa Clark came into the world, Texas was a province, the home of wild beasts and savage men; a province whose rivers, mountains and plains were unexplored. When but a lad he left his native State of New York to enlist in the Army and valiantly fought his way from Vera Cruz to Chapultepec with Gen. Scott, and when victory had crowned the American arms in Mexico he came to Texas. Here he cast his lot to blaze the way for oncoming generations. He has seen the signal fire of the savage gleam from a thousand peaks and has followed their encrimsoned trail across the hills and plains along the vast extent of the Texas border.

Further Mentions: Gen. Paul B. Malone, commanding the Second Division; Mr. Clark's farm about four miles west of Bandera; William B. Krempkau, organizer of the Pioneer Freighters; Rev. Stuart Pearce; Miss Lucy Wedgeworth; O. B. Miles; Gulls & Wilkens; three families camped on the Medina, and those three families were the founders of the first settlement in Bandera County, which afterward became the town of Bandera

Mother Of Texas Rests And Waits

Molly Connor Cook. Account of Mrs. Rebecca J. Fisher, "The Mother of Texas". The story of Mrs. Fisher's life has been written from many angles, and not always accurately, but the facts here given were gathered in conversation with Mrs. Fisher when she was 94 years old. This heroic woman recalls with vividness, her time of captivity by Indians, aas well as other hardships as an early pioneer. Also mentions her attendance at Rutersville Female College, (the only college in the State at that time, and her subsequent marriage to Rev. Orcenith Fisher, a, Methodist minister and their lifelong service and devotion. Mrs. Fisher was born Rebecca Jane Gilleland, daughter of Mary Barbour and Johnson Gillerland, in Philadelphia, August 31, 1831

Further Mentions: her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Blandford; Rebecca Jane, Thomas Battle and William McCalla; and the father entered the Texas army under Captain Thomalson; the old Tenth Street Methodist Church; William Jennings' Bryan. For a day and night the children were carried along by their captors, until soldier comrades of their father who had heard of the tragedy and set out in pursuit began to press the Indians. Here the children were left for dead, Rebecca from a blow on the head from a heavy instrument of some kind and the boy from a wound through the body.

Mrs. Fisher's memory of those incidents is very clear, and she tells with trembling voice how she prayed during the time of their captivity, having been told that she would find help from her dangers in prayer. Her eyes widen with horror when she speaks of this time, as though after a lapse of, 86 years as she still sees the scenes she describes so vividry. She does not know how long she lay unconscious, but when she revived she saw figures approaching in the distance, and thinking they were the Indians returning, she dragged her little brother to the shelter of the nearby woods. There the two children lay, suffering from hunger, thirst and terror, until called by their names by the soldiers and assured that the latter were friends. Albert Sydney Johnston was a member of the rescuing party.

A Prized Relic Of 1847

The contents of an original letter which is in possession of Mrs. Kate Whisenhunt of Medina, Texas, who is a niece of the writer, C. T. Smead, who penned the letter to his father, Z. P. Smead, at Sandusky City, Erie County, Ohio, while he was with General Taylor's army in Mexico. The letter as written with a goose-quill pen and in ink made from poke berries. It was folded in such manner that it served as its own envelop, the outside being left for address and cover. Despite its extreme age the letter is in a good state of preservation and easily read. - It bears a rubber stamp postmark, "Pt. Isabel, Feb.- 18, 1847," and required 10c postage.

Camp Near Monterey, Mexico. January 31, 1847

Dear Father and Mother I sent you a scrawl from Brazos, to which I as yet have received no answer. The dating of this will inform you that I am still at Monterey. My health is very good, better, I think, than it has been for several years past. The health of the army is generally good as far as I know. You perhaps know the movements of the army as well, and I expect, than I do here, excepting such as I am a participant of. We started from this camp on the morning of seventeenth of Dec. for Saltillo. The movement was very sudden as the order reached us about two !o'clock in the morning and we were on our march ere day dawned. We supposed that we were to have a big fight as soon as we reached our place of destination. This alarm was chiefly caused by an unusual number of Mexicans assembling or being about Saltillo. And it is yet believed by the regular officers that there would have been an outbreak if it had (not) been for our movement, for as soon as it was known in Saltillo that we were advancing they began to "vamos," leave, and our quiet was restored. At this time there was without doubt ten Mexicans about Saltillo capable of bearing arms to one of our soldiers, but such was the terror that this approach of Volunteers caused they left by thousands. It is said by respectable people that the Mexicans believed the Volunteers had tails that dragged on the ground after them. Be this as it may, wherever we went they were completely terror stricken. We reached Saltillo on the nineteenth, and all remained quiet until Christmas, when another alarm was made which excelled anything I ever saw. We stood under arms all day, momentarily expecting to march out and meet Santa Anna with twenty-one thousand men against which we could brim about four thousand five hundred, but yet with this odds against us, we should have whipped them like Hell. But night came and brought no fight, but dispelled all hopes of ours. On the last -day of Dec. we started back and encamped on this spot which we had left twenty days- before. Numerous alarms disturbed our quiet here and in consequence we were ordered by Gen. Marshall, who, by the by, is a perfect old Bloat, to break up our camp and move into town, and just as soon as we got our tents nearly pitched we were ordered back to this camp and now just as we are snugly settled here we are ordered early in the morning to move again into town. So it goes. We march and counter march merely to pass under the eye of Old Marshall. Great was our loss when Gen. Horner died. He was a great man, the United States can boast but few such, perhaps none. Gen. Taylor arrived here a few days ago from Victoria, and went yesterday to Saltillo. It (is) rumored that Casus M. Clay, his company and two other companies of Volunteer cavalry have been captured by the Mexicans, but still I hope it is but rumor. On the route between here and Victoria ten men and a boy were taken by the Mexicans in a pass in the mountains where they could get so high that they could not be brought down by the carbines and from their lofty positions threw down rocks on their heads. This is a singular country and people which I hope shall have an opportunity of describing to you. In the meantime accept the best and kindest wishes of an absent but not forgetful son. C. T. SMEAD.

Destructive Storm At Indianola, 1875

Written by James W. Hatch, San Antonio, Texas. Account of the devastating 1875 storm which destroyed the port city of Indianola, the town which one time served as gateway to Texas.

During this awful storm many courageous rescues were effected.. For ten hours D. W. Hatch, Jr., stood lashed in any open window of the second story of the Dr. David Lewis home and with a rope lassoed struggling people as they floated past. It is said that he dragged between twenty and thirty through the window to comparative safety. Floating ship spars and heavy timbers were the constant menace to buildings not already demolished, but the Lewis building withstood the storm. After the storm had blown from the east for eighteen or twenty hours, the wind suddenly shifted to the north, and the high waters of the different bays now took a mad rush back to the Gulf. The Matagorda Peninsula lay in its way, and fifteen miles of this peninsula was carried into the Gulf, with many homes and families, among them being three pilots of Pass Caballo, Captains Thomas and Elijah Decroe, together with their families. Higher up on the Peninsula lived two sons-in-law of Captain Thomas Decroe, John Humphries and Henry, Pearserley. When the storm was over John Humphries was the sole survivor of his family, all the others having been swept from a raft on which they had taken refuge. Henry Pearserley had also built a raft, and luckily his raft was quickly carried to the mainland, where, beyond the hardship they had already endured, they were unhurt and found refuge. In 1886 Indianola was the scene of a second storm which, though it did not last as long as the storm of 1875, exceeded it in violence. Railroad.. rails were picked up from the roadbed with ties attached and brown through the air a _full quarter of a mile and .landed on end in Powder Horn Lake, where they stand to this day as mute evidence of the velocity of the cyclone of 1886. There were fewer casualties in this later storm as there were fewer people to become victims. Those who lived through the second storm decided to abandon the Dace fbr all time, with the exception of one old negro man called Uncle Pey'ton, and Port Lavaca once more became the county seat.

Further Mentions: William Taylor, charged with the killing of Gabriel Slaughter; Joe Blackburn, charged with stage robbery and first degree murder; Salura Island; Sheriff Busch; William Taylor and Joe Blackburn; Captain Billie Nichols; Dr. John Leake; Dr. Paige of Georgetown; Ruben Brown

San Antonio’s First Great Tragedy

John Warren Hunter

Lengthy, graphic and detailed account of the butchery of Herrera and his men in 1813.

Further Mentions: Mr. Beltran; W. W. Mills; Aaron Burr; General Wilkinson; General Herrera; Captain Burling; Lieutenant Pike; Governor Cordero; the arrest of Don Ignacio Aldama and Padre Salazar, which occurred in January, 1811; the treachery of Elisondo these two patriots, Ignacio Aldama and Padre Salazar, were arrested the day following this interview, taken to Monclova and executed; General Allende; the battle of Puente de Calderon, January 1, 1811; a place called Acatita de Bajan; Bernardo Gutierrez; Colonel Kemper appointed Captain Darius Johnston, a brilliant young lawyer from Kentucky; General Simon de Herrera, Ex-Governor Cordero, Governor Manuel de Salcedo, Lieutenant Colonel Herrera, Captain Jose Mateos, Juan Ignacio Arabido, Francisco Pereira and Gregorio Amado; Captain Miguel Areos and his two sons, Luis and Pancho; Antonio Lopez and Lieutenant Juan Caso, Lopez; Dr. Orramel Johnson.

Some names mentioned in this volume:

W. S. Adair; Earl Adcock; J. C. Adcock; Mrs J. C. Adcock; Julius Calvin Adcock; Marvin Adcock; Oliver Adcock; Rennie M. Adcock; Richard Adcock; Riley Adcock; Roy Adcock; Russell Adcock; W. Adcock; W. J. Adcock; Mrs W. J. Adcock; Walter Adcock; Will C. Adcock; William James Adcock; Don Ignacio Aldama; Chaplain J. O. Allen; Gen Allende; Gregory Amado; Benny Anderson; Hugh Anderson; Nell Andrew; W. B. Anglin; Juan Ignacio Arabido; Luis Arcos; Capt Miguel Arcos; Pancho Arcos; A. J. Ater; Capt George W. Baylor; Col W. K. Baylor; Gen Bee; Frank Bell; Carlos Beltran; J. C. Bird; Joe Blackburn; Rev Blair; Mrs R. J. Blandford; Blandford; W. H. Bonnell; Jane Bowen; Buck Bowmer; V. I. Branlon; W. V. Brewer; Ruben Brown; J. W. Bruton; William Jennings Bryan; Capt Burling; Doc Burnett; Jane Burnham; Aaron Burr; Sheriff Busch; Busch; Pass Caballo; Columbus Carol; Dr Carrington; Tom Carson; S. P. Adjutant Carter; L. C. Carvey; Lt Juan Caso; Clark; Casus M. Clay; Gip Clements; Jim Clements; Manning Clements; ; Phil Coe; ; Lt L. H. Cook; Molly Connor; Dr Cooper; Billy Coran; John Coran; Gov Cordero; Jim Cox; R. C. Crane; Mrs Fred Miller Cuero; Bob Davis; E. J. Davis; E. J. Gov Davis; Jefferson; Dot Decroe; Capt Elijah Decroe; Elijah Decroe Jr; Capt Thomas Decroe; Tot Decroe; Capt Antonio Delgado; Capt E. B. Dennis; Henry Evans; Dr Fisher; Rev Orcenith Fisher; Rebecca J. Fisher; Jessie Flowers; John B. Floyd; John Gates; John Gay; Johnson Gilleland; Mary Barbour; Rebecca Jane ; Thomas Battle ; William McCalla ; C. M. Grady; Ruby Green; W. M. Maj Green; William M. Maj Green; Lee Groomes; Bernado Gutierrez; Bernardo Gutierrez; Don Bernardo Gutierrez; T. H. Hammonds; Barnett Hardin; ; Wes Hardin; Billy Harper; Jess Harper; John Harper; Dave Harrel; D. W. Hatch; D. W. Jr Hatch; James W. Hatch; Capt Sylvanus Hatch; Jack Helms; Helms; Gen Herrera; Gen Simon de Herrera; Gen Simon Herrera; Bill Heycox; Padre Hidalgo; Jimmie Hill; Capt Stoke Holme; Gen Horner; Dick Hudson; John Hudson; John Humphries; J. M. Hunter; Andrew Jackson; Dr Jimson; Rev I. G. John; G. W. Johnson; George Johnson; Jake Johnson; Dr Orramel Johnson; Albert Sydney Johnston; Capt Darius Johnston; Barnett Jones; Sheriff W. E. Jones; Ray Judia; Henry Kelly; Will Kelly; Col Kemper; C. B. Kincheloe; L. E. Kincheloe; W. J. Kincheloe; Capt King; William B. Krempkau; John Lackey; Alex LaForge; Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara; Dr John Leake; Gen Robert E. Lee; Dr David Lewis; Frank Lewis; Coley Lockett; Antonio Lopez; W. Y. Luke; Gen Paul B. Malone; Gen Marshall; Capt Jose Mateos; Jess McCoy; Ben McCulloch; Bud McFadden; G. S. McKenzie; Guy Michot; O. B. Miles; W. W. Mills; Harrison Morgan; J. B. Morgan; Ivo Navokovich; Lt L. P. Neville; Cal Newton; Capt Billie Nichols; Henry Nichols; Capt Nolan; J. H. B. Norfleet; Dr Nowlin; Dr Paige; Green Paramoor; C. C. Patterson; Gen Patterson; Mrs Jack Paul; Capt Peak; Capt June ; Rev Stuart Pearce; Henry Pearserley; Francisco Pereira; Pres Pierce; Lt Pike; Admiral Porter; Lt D. D. Porter; A. J. Potter; Andrew Jackson; Andy Jackson; Jack Parson; Joshua Parson; Rev Parson; Gen Sterling Price; J. W. Proffitt; Mrs E. W. Rabel; Dood Reagan; Sheriff Reagan; Dick Reagin; G. R. Reed; S. N. Reed; 1st Lt. J. H. Renick; A. T. Ritchie; O. M. Judge Roberts; Capt W. H. Roberts; Jim Rodgers; Elena Rodriguez; Pablo Rodriguez; Senora Rodriguez; Senora Rodriquez; Col Ross; Padre Salazar; Gov Salcedo; Manuel Salcedo; Manuel de Gov Salcedo; Jose Sanchez; William Sandlin; Lt Santos; Saunders; Mrs F. C. Schlein; Scott Schlein; Gen Schlein; Mrs W. G. Semmler; Dolph Shadden; Joe Shadden; J. N. Shrock; Bob Simpson; Capt Slack; Gabriel Slaughter; C. T. Smead; Lt C. T. Smead; Z. P. Smead; Amanda Elvira Sparks; Ellen Caroline; Sonny Spites; C. M. Sterling; Phil Sublet; Bill Sutton; Gen Taylor; John Deputy Taylor; Josiah Taylor; Pipkin Taylor; William Taylor; Billy Teagarden; Dr Teagarden; Annie Tennile; George Tennile; Capt Thomalson; Capt Thomas; T. W. Thomason; Thompson; Jane Trimble; Joe Tumlinson; Gen Twiggs; J. H. Wallace; J. W. Warden; Frank Ware; Till Watson; Mrs W. E. Watson; Lucy Wedgeworth; Kate Whisenhunt; Alice Wilbanks; Gen Wilkinson; Capt Williams; J. M. Womack; Gen Worth; G. M. Wright; Barnhart Zimpelman; Zimpelma Zimmerschreit.

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Our Testimonials

Frontier Times is an invaluable resource to the staff at Washington  on the Brazos State Historic site, as it contains several articles about  Washington and the part it played in the Texas revolution. We are  thrilled to add the Frontier Times to our collection.
Thanks again,
Ginger Moreland
Washington on the Brazos
State Park Association