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Vol 03 No. 04 - January 1926

Young Saunders Predicament

Account of a young man named Saunders who settled in Erath county. While on a visit to a lady friend, he was accosted by 20 mounted Indians. His daring and resourcefulness resulted in this amazing tale of how he escaped certain death.

White Boy Becomes an Indian

By Charles Morris of Kerrville. Account of sad tale of Gillespie county settlers, the Fischers, who had a boy who was abducted by Indians in 1868. After a number of years, the boy was rescued and returned to his loving family, but things had changed. The boy was unsettled back in the world of the white man and soon returned to the tribe, to be reunited with his indian wife, kids and tribe. This is his amazing story.

Further Mentions: The Morris Ranch, his brother Otto of Fredericksburg

Early Day Sheriff Relates Experience

Article details adventures of frontier Sheriff Ira L Wheat of Edwards county and former ranger, Henry Putz. The two had very notable frontier events to recall. This is account of some of their experiences in Montell, Medina, Uvalde, Edwards, McLaurin and Coalson counties.

Further Mentions: Captain Will Scott, Sergeant K A Brooks, Capt. Bullard, Alvin and Will Odell, Lon Bass and Bill Chisolm, Del Rio, Sheriffs W. Baylor, Dick Russell and Noah Corder

Knew the San Antonio of Old

How San Antonio looked and lived in the days of earliest white settlers, as told by Mrs. H Lucas, whose grandmother: was one of the first seven white women to live in the little outpost of civilization, and her grandfather and his partner owned, the rock quarry that is now the famous Japanese sunken garden in Breckenridge Park. They opened up the quarry and used the stone to build the first dwellings of stone with shingled roofs in the city. These stone houses were the first ones to be built of anything but adobe.

Further Mentions: "My grandparents came from England here in 1836 or 1838", a small town near Victoria, probably Linnville, when they were attacked by Indians who were having a war dance over the burning of Linnville, Market street., Main Plaza, Even, at this date Military Plaza was our market place, "There were the carretas of long wood, two-wheeled carts drawn by a yoke of oxen Donkeys with short wood piled high on their backs were here and there. You had your choice of wood for, the price you chose to pay. Dotted about were a few ears of corn and some peppers perhaps…" recollections of the First railroad into San Antonio and the days of the Civil War, The Alazan and the San Pedro' creeks, Later we lived at the corner of Commerce and North Flores streets., I remember the dreadful epidemic of cholera. which followed the end of 'the war in 1865. People died on the streets, many from fear. So fast did they die and so many, that there were no men to make the coffins…" "There were some quite good stores, Grenet, Schleuning, Wolfson, Haus, Oppenheimer, Dulling and others. In 1873 a small store opened its doors on the Austin road, where the S. P. roundhouse now is."

Neal Coldwell a Gallant Texas Ranger

Captain Neal Coldwell. was born in Dade county, Missouri, May 21, 1844, and died at his home near Center Point, Texas, November 1, 1925. His father, Thomas Coldwell, was a soldier under General Jackson in the War of 1812, and participated in the famous battle of New Orleans...

Excellent, detailed and fairly lengthy history of Coldwell Family of Kerr county. Further Mentions: Cap Eugene B Millet, Gen Banks, Sgt John C Douglas, George Danner, William Baker and Joe Moss, Sergeant W. G. Coston, the West Prong of the Frio, Ragsdale, Major Jones, W. K. Jones, (later county judge of Val Verde county), Lou Spencer., Green Lake, Frank Jones, William Layton, Aleck Merrit, George Beakley, Frank Moore, Captain Dolan, Judge Blackburn, Sergeant Ed Sicker, Sam Henry, Tom Carson,' L. B. Caruthers, Bingham, Jesse Evans, Captain Charles L. Neville, Fort Stockton, Ysleta, Capt. George W. Baylor., Victorio, the famous Mescalero Apache Chief, Fort Quitman, on the Rio Grande., A man named Baker,, Eighteen Mile Water Hole, Eagle Springs., the Negro boy Graham.Veteran Who Came in Wagon to Texas is Dead.

Simpson N. Tidwell, 83, who died November 5th, at the home of his son, Lee Tidwell, 2301 Lipscomb Street, Ft. Worth, was a Confederate veteran, and had been a resident of Texas for 77 years. He was a native of Mississippi, but came to Bowie county in a covered wagon with his parents in 1848. After his father's death Tidwell continued farming the homestead, which is located eight miles north of Maude. He retired a few years ago, following the death of his wife, and went, to live with his Fort Worth son. Tidwell joined the Confederacy when, only 17 years old. He saw five years of service, serving in turn under Generals Sidney Johnson, Joseph E. Johnson and James B. Hood. Tidwell had been a member of the Sand Hill Baptist Church at Sims for 54 years at the time of his death. Besides Lee Tidwell, the deceased is survived, by two other sons, Clarence Tidwell, Fort Worth, and Jim Tidwell, New Boston; and three daughters, 'Mrs. M. F. Hale, Goliad, and Mrs. 0. H. Jackson and Miss Lena Tidwell Clarendon.

Kit Carson the Noted Frontiersman

By Col. Henry Inman 

Excellent history the great frontiersman and his travels.

Bandera County Minute Man

Tom M Stevens of Bandera, who joined Captain Jack Phillips Minute company in 1873. This minute company was organized for protection against the Indians, and to put a stop to the cattle, and horse stealing which had become very common in this part of the country; the stealing being done by thieves who drifted in from other sections of the state.

Further Mentions: 1st Lieutenant, Sam Jones, Andy Jones. Jack Phillips, T M Stevens, J I Jones, Will Ross, F L Hicks, Jack Sheppard, Bill Hester, Sam Casey, Jim Davenport, John A Jones, Jim McKay, Joe Miller, Taylor Hester, Joel Casey, Jim Brown, Taylor Hester, Joel Casey, Jim Brown, John Clark, Monroe Moncur, Joe Click, Alex Hay, Jim Lewis, Joe Reed, Pete, Mack and Dave Weaver, A G Jones, Charlie Gersdorff, Jim Gobble, Dave Chipman, Laoma White, W. P. W. Holmes, Leakey, a kind lady named McDougal, Nichols, F. L. Hicks, Ace Brown, Buck Hamilton, M C. Click, Josephine Durban, William Felts, Dave Weaver, Joel Casey, W W Sloan Dies

1926 at age of 80 pioneer Texan

Brief account of W. W. Sloan, 80, pioneer Texan and resident of San, Antonio for 32 years. He was a native of Carthage, Tenn., and came to Texas with his parents in 1850 when, five years old, and lived first at Indianola. He was married to Mary Frances Smith of Mississippi in 186S. After joining the 33rd Texas, Cavalry in 1863, he Nerved through the remainder of the Civil War. After holding the office of mayor, magistrate and public weigher for several years…

Further Mentions: Flatonia, G. W. Hagy, One of the founders of Prospect Hill Baptist Church, Mrs. Julia Barkley of Yoakum, two daughters, Mrs. Fred F. Miller of Kingsville, Miss Louise Sloan of Baltimore, W. W. Sloan Jr. of Falfurrias, John J. of Des Moines, Iowa, Dr. Martin F. Sloan of Baltimore, Sam D. of Fort Worth, Sid and Jean Sloan of San Antonio, and 12 grandchildren, James G. Harrell, ranchman of Atascosa county, Hiram , Captain Snyder.

State Troops of the Frontier Report

Captain W J Standifer Co. C and Captain Christian Dorbandt Co 3rd Frontier Dist. Burnet county 1865. Mentions details of companies including pay, age, etc.

Many names mentioned: an excerpt: Hugh McCay, First Lieutenant W J. Standifer, Captain Daniel McKenzie, Second Lieutenant.Q. L. Seay, First Sergeant. Robert Alexander, Second Sergeant. Wm. Moss, Third Sergeant. Henry Webb, Fourth Sergeant. Abe Spence, Fifth Sergeant. H. B. Wells, First Corporal. Abe Rige, Second Corporal. J. M. Drake, Third Corporal. J. B. Napier, Fourth Corporal. W. H. Sims, Fifth Corporal. Privates: H. Allison. John Alexander. J. G. Ashbrana. John Axley. J. A. Bittick. C. C. Bryan. J. N. Carson. L. H. Cowan. Ethridge. James Elliott. R. W. Farquhar. A. N. Farquhar. A. Guaf. W. G. Gan R. D. Holland. E. W. Hamilton. George Hobbs. James James. John Lawton. A. P. Lee. G. W. McCoy. J. B, Mooney. H. Maxwell. Wm. Maxwell. Wm. Mauldin. John Nordain. Henry Parker. J. H. Russell. W. A. Reeves. J. G. Smith. John Slaughter. J. C. Stapp. W. H. Stapp. J. E. Standifer. W. J. Stewart. R. Senterfit. Calvin Scott. Thos. Wolf. Jordan Wyatt. M. R. Wilkins. Jonathan Williams. Wm. Webb. E. L. Webb. Thos. Williams. Robert Watkins. J. Stenford 3rd Sergt W. Y. Fowler; 2nd Lieut W. R. Slaughter, 2nd Sergt.Harman Fowler, 4th Sergt. J Edward Ebling, Corpl Carpenter, George, Private George Hastings, Corpl. Burton, John F.,.Private. Cox, F. M.Private Crawford, W. Private Lacey Frank, Private Rust W. M., Lacey, John, Private Davidson, Felix, Private Corder, Joe, Private Private. Wright, O. L., Private Whitman, Wm. Private Rilchter, Rudolf, etc, etc, etc, bid now and get them all, etc, etc.

Soldiering on the Frontier

By George Raper who enlisted under L M O'Brien, and tells of adventures while on duty in frontier of New Mexico.

Further Mentions: General J.Irvin, Gregg, Second Lieutenant Hampton S. Cottell, the A. T. & S. P railroad., General J. R. Brooke, Dick Hooten's ranch, Cimarron, Fort Union was the headquarters of the 8th Cavalry., Captain Wm. McCleave, Fort Garland., Las Vegas, an old Mexican town., Fort Selden and Fort Bayard, Fort Wingate, Fort Craig, Sergeant Patrick Golden, Gen Samuel W. Fountain, retired. Lieut. R. A Williams, Lieut. F. E. Phelps, Godwin became a Brigader General, S. B. M. Young, Capt. J. F. Mahnked,

The Past and The Present

by Jeanette Jones

Some names mentioned in this volume:

Pvt John Alexander; 2nd Sgt Robert Alexander; Clay Allison; Pvt H. H Allison. ; Allstrom; Nell Andrews ; Pvt J. G. Ashbrana; Pvt John Axley; J. D. Baker; Masley Baker; William Baker; Gen Banks; Julia Barkley; Lon Bass; Baylor; Capt George W. ; W. H. Sheriff; George Beakley; Pvt J. A. Bittick; Judge Blackburn; Pvt Rodeny Brace; Pvt J. Branson; Gen J. R. Brooke; Sgt K. A. Brooks; Capt K. J. ; Ace Brown; Henry J. Brown; Jim Brown; Pvt C. C. Bryan; Capt Bullard; Pvt Gid Burnam; Pvt Waddy Burnam; C. K. Burr; Pvt John F. Burton; Pvt J. N. Caison; Capt Caldwell; Pvt George Carpenter; 1st Sgt W. M. Carpenter; Christopher Carson; Kit Carson; Tom Carson; L. B. Caruthers; Billy Carver; Joel Casey; Sam Casey; Gen J. L. Chestnut; Dave Chipman; Bill Chisholm; John Clark; Joe Click; M. C. Click; Capt Coldwell; ; ; Capt Neal Coldwell; Thomas Coldwell; Pvt Joel Corder; Sheriff Noah Corder; Sgt Coston; Sgt W. G. Coston; Lt Hampton S. Cottell; Pvt L. H. Cowan; Pvt A. M. Cox; Pvt F. M. Cox; Pvt George W Cox. ; Hiram Craig; Pvt W. Crawford; George Danner; Jim Davenport; Pvt Felix Davidson; Corp John Davidson; Pvt Wallas Davidson; Pres "Jeff" Davis; Jefferson Davis; Pvt John Davis; Caroline Elizabeth Dickinson; Dr S. B. Dickinson; Samuel B. Dickinson; Pat Dolan; Capt Pat Dolan; Capt Christian Dorbandt; Sgt John C. Douglas; 3rd Corp J. M. Drake; James K. Duke; Josephine Durban; Corp Edward Ebling; Pvt James Elliot; Pvt M. Ethridge; Jesse Evans; Ehrenberg Fahrten; Pvt A. N. Farquhar; Pvt R. W. Farquhar; William Felts; Kelley Field; Otto Fischer; King Fisher; Gen Brig Samuel W. Fountain; Sgt Harman Fowler; 2nd Lt W. Y. Fowler; Corp Dan Frances; Pvt Jim Franklin; Pvt Wm Franklin; Pvt W. G. Gan; Charlie Gersdorff; Gillett; Capt Gillette; Jim Gobble; Lt Godwin; Patrick Sgt Golden; Alexander Gregg; Gen; Gen J. Irvin ; Maj Grier; Col Grierson; Jared E. Groce; Pvt A. Guaf; G. W. Hagy; Mrs M. F. Hale; Pvt Ben Hall; Calven Corp; Pvt Lewis Halow; Buck Sheriff Hamilton; Pvt E. W. Hamilton; Hardin; James G. Harrell; Jim Harrell; Pvt Joil A. Harris; Corp George Hasting; Alex Hay; Sam Henry; Bill Hester; F. L. Hicks; Pvt George Hobbs; Pvt Jesse Holeman; Pvt R. D. Holland; W. P. W. Holmes; James B. Hood; Dick Hooten; George P. Hoover; R. W. Hoover; Mont Hurst; Col Henry Inman; Judas Iscariot; Pvt Baily Isham; William H. Jack; Pvt Elias Jackson; Gen Jackson; Mrs O. H. Jackson; Pvt James James; Gen Joseph E. Johnson; Gen Sidney Johnson; A. G. Jones; Andy Jones; Frank Jones; Capt Frank Jones; Gen Jones; J. I. Jones; Jeanette Jones; John A. Jones; John B. Maj Jones; 1st Lt Sam Jones; W. K. Jones; Ben Kilpatrick; Pvt Wm Kirkwood; Pvt Ewin Lacey; Pvt Frank Lacey; Pvt Jacke Lacey; Pvt John Lacey; E. P. Lamborn; Sam Larrymore; Pvt John Lawhon; William Layton; Pvt A. P. Lee; Jim Lewis; Longley; Mrs H. Lucas; J. H. Maj Mahnked; John L. Manning; Pvt Wm Mauldin; Pvt H. Maxwell; L. B. Maxwell; Pvt Wm Maxwell; Hugh McCay; Capt Wm McCleave; Pvt G. W. McCoy; McDonald; Tom Sheriff McGee; Jim McKay; 2nd Lt Daniel McKenzie; Aleck Merrit; Mrs Fred F. Miller; Joe Miller; Capt Eugene B. Millett; Monroe Moncur; Pvt J. B. Mooney; Capt Frank Moore; Charles Morris; Joe Moss; 3rd Sgt Wm Moss; Corp J. B Napier; F. C. Nelson; Capt Neville; Capt Charles L. Neville; Pvt John Nordain; Dr Nowlin; 1st Lt L. M. O'Brien; Alvin Odell; Will Odell; ; Pvt Henry Parker; Quanah Parker; Chief Quanah Parker; Lt F. E. Phelps; Capt Jack Phillips; Pres Polk; Henry Putz; Capt J. F. Randlett; Geo S. Raper; Joe Reed; Pvt W. A. Reeves; Pvt Rudolf Richter; 2nd Corp Abe Riffe; Gov Roberts; Pvt Lenard Rodgers; Pres Theodore Roosevelt; Sul Ross; Will Ross; Sheriff Dick Russell; Pvt J. H. Russell; Pvt W. M. Rust; Scarborough; Pvt Calvin Scott; Capt Will Scott; William Scott; 1st Sgt Q. L. Seay; Sgt Seiker; Selman; Pvt R. Senterfit; 1st Lt Alferd Shelby; Jack Sheppard; Sherman; Sgt Ed Sieker; Chief Sierrito; Corp W. H. Sims; Pvt Waller Singleton; Pvt John Slaughter; 2nd Sgt W. R. Slaughter; Jean Sloan; John J. Sloan; Louise Sloan; Dr Martin F. Sloan; Sam D. Sloan; Sid Sloan; W. W. Sloan; W. W. Jr Sloan; Pvt Ahers Smith; Pvt J. G. Smith; Pvt Joe Smith; John M. Smith; Mary Frances Smith; Pvt M. A. Smithard; Capt D. H. Snyder; Mrs E. C. Snyder; Sowell; Sgt Abe Spence; Lon Spencer; Count St. Denis; Pvt J. E. Standifer; Capt W. J. Standifer; Pvt J. C. Stapp; Pvt W. H. Stapp; 3rd Sgt A. J. Stenford; Tom M. Stevens; Pvt Sam Stewart; Pvt W. J. Stewart; Pvt Laurenz Stinnet; Capt Stockton; Monroe Surber; Sgt John Tawnson; Lula Taylor; Thompson; ; Bill Thompson; Clarence Tidwell; Jim Tidwell; Lee Tidwell; Lena Tidwell; Simson N Tidwell. ; William B. Travis; Pvt John Turner; Pvt John Vickers; Filisola D. Vincente; Pvt T. Waldrip; Wallace; W. M. (Buck) Walton; Pvt Robert Watkins; Dave Weaver; Mack Weaver; Pete Weaver; Pvt E. L. Webb; th Sgt Henry Webb; Pvt Wm Webb; 1st Corp H. B. Wells; George Wheat; Ira L. Wheat; Laoma White; Pvt John Whitman; Pvt Wm Whitman; Pvt M. R. Wilkins; Pvt Jonathon Williams; R. A. Lt Williams; Pvt Thos Williams; E. W. Winkler; Pvt Thos Wolf; Col P. C. Wood; Pvt O. L. Wright; Pvt Jordan Wyatt; Capt S. B. M. Young; Youmans.

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