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Vol 05 No. 09 - June 1928

General Benjamin McCulloch

ONE of the early Texas characters; whose name was emblazoned on the scroll of fame by his deeds of valor and heroism, is General Ben McCulloch. He was a native of Tennessee, and came to Texas to participate in the Revolutionary struggles. He enlisted in the Texan army as a private, but was ordered to the command of one of the cannon in the battle of San Jacinto. In 1840 he represented Gonzales county in the Texan Congress, but most of the time was on the frontier as captain of a Ranger company. This is a short narrative of his life and of an account of an Indian raid into Gonzales county in May, 1841, and pursuit of the Indians by Ben McCulloch and a party of citizens.

Further Mentions: Taylor's Division during the Mexican War he was sent by President Buchanan to settle a difficulty among the Mormons in Utah battle of Wilson's Creek fight at Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 24, 1862 Arthur Swift, James H. Callahan, Wilson Randle, Green McCoy, Eli T. Hankins, Clements Hinds Archibald Gipson Henry E. McCulloch, James Roberts, Jeremiah Roberts, Thomas R. Nichols, William Tumlinson, William P. Kincannon, Alsey S. Miller, and William Morrison. Mules Creek York's Creek Johnson's Fork Johnson's Fork of the Llano A Hall

 Chief Geronimo's White Captive

G. B. Hudson

Apaches attack two boys herding cattle on Gallina creek. They were the sons of Jack McCain and were aged 14 and 15, respectively. The eldest boy was killed and the younger was taken captive after putting up quite a, battle with sticks and rocks. The Indians tied their captive on a horse and started north. This was all done in one day. This is the story of the captive boy.

Further Mentions: the upper Mimbres in New Mexico S. Lindauer of Deming, N. M., Grant county. Fort Bayard Apaches killed George Polock near Cooks Peak George Horn Fort Bayard Jack McCain Nat Hicks Lindauer, Wormser


In the winter of 1869, there lived in Comanche county, on the west side of Resley's creek, about two miles from the confluence of that stream with the Leon river, two miles east of where Lamkin now stands, Mrs. Ewell, a widow and her two sons, Tom and Charlie. One day in the early winter, the widow and her son, Tom, Charlie, the younger, being absent, ate their dinner, covered up the fires, closed the doors, fastened the yard gates and walked one and a half miles away to a neighbor's house. Soon after they left home a party of 19 blood thirsty Indians rode up to the house, dismounted and soon commenced the work of pillage and destruction… This is the story of that raid.

Recollections Of The Sheep Range

Vinton L. James, San Antonio, Texas.

Excellent history of the area halfway between Frio Town, the county seat of Frio county, and Uvalde where the author of this article had a ranch and engaged in the sheep business. This is his story. Contains old photo of Mr. James.

Mentnions: the Catron survey Mr. Henry Shane Judge Thomas J. Devine General Larkin Smith Joe Devine Will Smith General Smith Bexar county Code Adams ranch on the Frio river Old Man Moore Frank Stockton D'Hanis, in Medina county Joe Ney's hotel Need Pulliam Gabe Hans Mary Little and Sallie Blackally of Frio Town, Ella and Lilly Nunn, Mary Bowles from Uvalde, and Maggie Clark from Nueces Canyon Smith Ditch, on the Leona Will Blair T. C. Frost Sargent's Hotel in Brackettville Kinney county John James of San Antonio W. B. Knox Tom Maloney Edwards Plateau the name of Zoller F. A. Piper's store in Uvalde Nat and Dan Lewis

Josiah Pugh Wilbarger

Mrs. Lipscomb Norvell, Beaumont, Texas.

JOSIAH PUGH WILBARGER, pioneer of the Middle Border and further Southwestern Border, was one of the Kentucky-Missouri Colonists that came in with Stephen F. Austin's second colony in 1827. He became a successful and wealthy land owner until the day when his life was rearranged permanently by the brutal act of savage Indians who tortured and scalped him while he lay wounded.

"Most persons, when thinking of Indians scalping people, believe they tear off the whole scalp; but those Indians cut off pieces of scalp about the size of a dollar. They took seven pieces of scalp from the head of Mr. Wilbarger. He said, every time they cut and tore a piece off his scalp it sounded like the pealing of loud thunder, but it pained him very little, as he was paralyzed and numbed by the arrow in his neck. The Indians stripped most of the clothes off the bodies of the two white men and left them for dead.

Mr. Wilbarger soon lost consciousness but came to again about the middle of the afternoon. The blood was still oozing from the scalp and he was covered with clotted blood. He managed to extricate the arrow from his neck. From the great loss of blood he was famished with thirst and very weak, but he began to crawl toward a nearby stream. He finally reached it, drank and lay down in the water to soothe the fever which had set in. He lay in the water a long time and became so chilled and weak that only with a supreme effort was he able to get out onto the bank. He then went to sleep from exhaustion and awakened near nightfall. By this time the flies were swarming about the wound on his, head and Mr. Wilbarger was much alarmed and decided that he would try to crawl to the Hornsby place, eight miles away. He managed to drag himself about a mile to Pecan Springs, but was so exhausted that…"

Mentions: His father, John Wilbarger before him, lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky He married Anne Pugh in 1799 Of the eight sons and daughters born to John and Anne Pugh Wilbarger, Josiah Pugh was the eldest Mathias Wilbarger John Wesley Wilbarger Ashley, Pike County, Missouri Margaret Barker Wilbarger's Bend Ruben Hornsby's Miss Fenora Chambers Gen. T. J. Chambers Barton's Prairie , a Mr. Christian and Mr. Strother Haynie and Standifer Mrs. Margaret Clifton John W. Hornsby of Austin Mr. Webber, Joseph Rogers Henry Clay the Barker Place in Bastrop County Lieutenant Webster Wilbarger Dorothy Olive Fairview Cemetery, Bastrop, Texas. Margaret Wilbarger Chambers Thomas C. Chambers

The Governor's Palace
 An Early Texas Pioneer

D. L. Kokernot

Account is of the author, Mr. D. L. Kokernot who was born in the City of Amsterdam, Holland, in 1805 and came to the United States with his father in the year 1817. He was apprenticed at the age of 12 years to Capt. John Summers, as shiip captain, and spent his life in that trade. He recounts many amazing and life-threatening experiences shipping off the coasts of Texas in the early 1800’s.

Mentions: Capt. Done the William Tell Prince William Port au Prince Edward Brut Capt. James Spillman Spillman's island San Jacinto Bay Marin Gordon Galveston Bay Barataria Mr R. Morris John W. Brown, Redman Burrel Franks Lafitte Mr. Thompson Redfish Bar Mr. Edwards Sabine Bay Monroe Edwards Doubly Bayouu Bolivar Point Burrel Franks the Golden Rod Mrs. Bloodworth Elijah Franks W. B. Travis, Charles Wilcox, Col. James Morgan, William Harden Captain James Spillman

The Montel Guards

O. D. Baker

Account records origins and membership roster of the Montell Guards, a minute company formed in 1881 for the protection of that frontier region west of San Antonio against Indian depredations, and for the enforcement of law and order and protection of life and property.

Mentions: A. Wilkerson, captain; Geo. W. Baylor, first lieutenant; P E. Dugat, second lieutenant; S. A. Arnold, first sergeant; James Whitecotton, second sergeant; G. W. Bunting, third sergeant; C. W. McFadden, fourth sergeant; T. H. Smith, first corporal; Wm. Wells second corporal; J. H. Affleck, third corporal; W. M. Yancy, fourth corporal; W. F. Hardeman, -J. E. Coleman, O. O. Reed, Y. O. Coleman, S. J. Baylor, Oscar D. Baker, J. W. Stockley, Enos Coleman, F. L. Goodman, J. L. Cunningham, G. F. Ling, W. H. Clark, Stephen Goodman, M. T. Person, T. Fred Behringer, W. C. Clubb, S. D. Goodman, John R. Baylor, Wm. N. Edwards, Percival Payne. W. S. B. Owens, J. N. Edwards, T. J. Edwards, John D. Walker, J. G. Fellers, F. Gray, Wyatt Heard and Leon Heard, H. W. Daylor, George W. Stockley, Robert K. Boyd

Deed Of A Frontier Hero

E. E. Townsend, Alpine, Texas.

Account of an almost unknown frontier hero, name of Carl or perhaps Carlton, who fearlessly charged through a savage horde of Indians, being shot at from every side, while he returned the fire with a sixshooter as he fought his way toward a little band of whites, who were making their last bloody stand.

Mentions: Capt Cood Adams the Burgess Water Hole, near the present town of Alpine Fort Davis the Chisos Mountains James Dawson Dave Adams Fort Lancaster Fort-Stockton Mrs. Joe Moss Capt. Coldwell

A Cowpuncher Of The Pecos

Mentions: Fred S. Millard, of Dryden, Texas Joe B. Johnson, Jim Rose, Herman Koehler Uncle Rich Coffey of Coleman county Ike Franks, in Runnells county John Kincaid of Concho county Jim Rose of Ballinger J. Frank Dobie F. S. Millard, Dryden, Texas

A Desperate Fight.

Mrs. Billy Dixon

Account of the Buffalo Wallow Indian battle which occurred in Hemphill County, on a divide between the Washita River and Gageby Creek, 22 miles south-west of Canadian and about 16 miles north of Mobeetie. At this place September 12th, 1874, William Dixon and Amos Chapman, scouts, and four enlisted men, Sergant Z. T. Woodall, Company I, Peter Rath, Company A; John Harrington, Company H; and George W. Smith, Company M, Sixth Cavalry, were surprised and surrounded as they were carrying dispatches from General Nelson A. Miles' camp on McClellan Creek in the Texas Panhandle, to Fort Supply, Indian Territory, and held for 48 hours by a band of 125 Kiowa and Comanche Indians, fully armed and on the warpath. This is the story.

Further Mentions: Woodall and Harrington Dixon and Rath Major R. Price General Miles George W. Smith

When The Work’s All Done This Fall

Touching poem about an old cow puncher preparing to meet his Master.

"…When the work's all done this fall Boys,

send mother my wages,

The wages I have earned,

For I am now afraid, boys,

My last steer I have turned.

I'm going to a new range, boys;

I hear the Master's call;

And I'll not see my mother

When the work's all done this fall.

"George, you may have my saddle;

Bill, you may have my bed;

Jack, you may have my pistol

After I am dead;

But, boys, think of me kindly

As you look on them all,

For I'll not see my mother

When the work's all done this fall…"


An old photo that was taken at Goliad, Texas, in 1873, and shows John King Fisher on the left, and. John H. Culp on the right.

Dan Budd, A Texas Cowboy

Cora Melton Cross

Account of long-time San Angelo area cattleman, Dan Budd, whose father, W. M. Budd came to Texas in 1852, and settled in Lamar County near the Pinhook Settlement, four miles south of the city of Paris of today, founded by one Mathias Click. Here Dan was raised and given a love of the cattle industry and decided to strike out on his own in the San Angelo area. This is his story.

Mentions: Josephine Murphy White Cut schoolhouse 7-A cattle owned and bossed by George B. Ancell, from Wichita The Ancell boys Jim Rogers Electra Wagner Bros their D ranch the Tom Jones ranch the Verdi Gris River Charles Schreiner the King cattle Beaver's Switch Caddo Reservation the T. Fork, an old, old ranch location Del Rio L. B. Harris and W. S. Veck North Concho River Mrs. Kate Arden William S. Veck Sterling P. Robertson Meyers E. A. Nimitz Mrs. A. E. Tankersley ran the Concho House The flood that washed Ben Ficklin away the Millspaugh waterworks, owned and operated by J. L. Millspaugh, who also ran a big supplystore near Fort Concho Judge Preuser . L. B. Harris, father of Frank and Ralph Coke County J. Willis Johnson, multimillionaire cattleman and landowner the Walking Cane brand Nub Pulliam Wash Tankersley, Mart Tankersley and Fayette Tankersley ranching on Dove and Spring Creeks Seaton Keith of Lipan Springs old ranches, like the Bar S, the Circle 6 and I. C. the Mullins ranch Ike Mullins, who branded I. C.

West Texas Historical Society

Mentions: W. P. Webb and Charles W. Ramsdell S. B. McAllister John B. Granberry John W. Moore of Snyder frontiersman who buffalo hunter C. Crane. Sweetwater C. U. Connellee, Eastland; R. L. Penick, Stamford; John B. Cranberry of Lubbock Dr. C. C. Rister, Abilene Mrs. J. McAllister Stephenson , W. C. Holden of McMurry College and R. N. Richardson of Simmons University John R. Hutto of Abilene Miss Hybernia Grace of Anson R. E. Sherrill of Haskell Dr. H. B. Tanner of Eastland Mrs. Dallas Scarborough of Abilene D. C. Underwood of Ballinger Mrs. Eula Brockman of Breckenridge with W. C. Holden, Clifford B. Jones of Spur Judge Fred Cockrell of Abilene Everett Shepherd, professor of history at McMurry College J. D. Sandefer Mayor Thomas L. Hayden, Jr., of Abilene

 Death Of Ben Thompson and King Fisher

H. Gregory

Detailed account of the killing of notorious gambler and gunman, Ben Thompson, and his companion King Fisher.

Mentions: Judge Thomas Paschal in Maverick county his ranch, located 35 miles from Eagle Pass Jack Harris, proprietor of Harris' Variety Show East Lynne Turner Hall Billie Simms and Joe Foster Justice Anton Adam

Texas Folk-Lore Society

Mentions: Dr. J. E. Pearce Newton Gaines Col. M. L. Crimmins John K. Strecker Miss Jovita Gonzales B. O. Baker J. Evetts Haley Dr. J. E. Pearce Miss Fannie Hatchford Cedar Park Mound, northwest of Austin Prof. Newton Gaines Mody C. Boatright J. Evetts Haley of Canyon Judge J. M. Deaver John S. Moore Jesse Cliffe Major Morris Wright

 Dr. Ashbel Smith, and His Home Near Houston

Julia Beazley

Accounts of the personality and character of this interesting, eccentric, and lovable Colonel. Mentions: Evergreen Ranch, where lived Colonel Ashbel Smith the Goose Creek oil field Charles Francis Adams Sam Jones Louis Phillipe Mrs. Anna Wright Thomas B. Gailliard

Indian Fight Near Globe, Arizona

Mrs. G. M. Allison

Account of an Indian attack upon the Turner family and friends in Gila County, near Pleasant Valley on the morning of September 2, 1881. Mentions: Cibicu creek; a tributary of the Salt River, between the Turner ranch and Fort Apache the Moody ranch on Cherry creek Captain Hentig's troop of Cavalry a medicine man, Nokay-del-Klinnay Mr. Church "Bill" Lowther Eaton John Birchett a Mr. Mattel Chief Nadaski Pioneer M. L. Rice, of Mercury, Texas J. W. Finley, of Norwood, Colorado Joe T. McKinney, of Willcox, Arizona Bill Wootan Miss Clarinda Loveworth Latham, of Alamogordo, New Mexico Chas. E. Collins, of Globe, Arizona

Some names mentioned in this magazine:

Lord Aberdeen; Anton Justice Adam; Bill Adams; Charles Francis Adams; Code Adams; Capt Cood Adams; Dave Adams; Corp J. H. Affleck; Mrs G. M. Allison; George B. Ancell; Mrs Kate Arden; Sgt S. A. Arnold; Moses Austin; Steven F. Austin; B. O. Baker; O. D. Baker; Oscar D. Baker; Margaret Barker; Bass; Baron de Bastrop; George W. Baylor; H. W. Baylor; S. J. Baylor; Roy Bean; Julia Beazley; T. Fred Behringer; John Birchett; Sallie Blackally; Will Blair; Mody C. Boatright; Jim Bowie; Rezin Bowie; Mary Bowles; Robert K. Boyd; Mrs Eula Brockman; John W. Brown; Edward Brutus; Pres Buchanan; D. J. Budd; Dan Budd; ; W. M. Budd; Sgt G. W. Bunting; Capt Burbridge; Julius Caesar; James H. Callahan; Miss Fenora Chambers; Margaret Wilbarger Chambers; Gen T. J. Chambers; Thomas C. Chambers; Amos Chapman; Maggie Clark; W. H. Clark; Henry Clay; Mathias Click; Jesse Cliffe; Mrs Margaret Clifton; W. C. Clubb; J. C. Cochran; Fred Judge Cockrell; Coffey; Coldwell; Enos Coleman; J. E. Coleman; Y. O. Coleman; Charles E. Collins; C. U. Connellee; Andreas Coy; Judge Crane; R. C. Crane; Crimmins; Gen Crook; Cross; John H. Culp; J. L. Cunningham; James Dawson; Major De Montell; Judge J. M. Deaver; Joe Devine; Thomas J. Judge Devine; Mrs Billy Dixon; Dobie; ; Capt Done; Driggs; P. E. Dugat; Lt P. E. Dugat; Jack Eaton; J. N. Edwards; T. J. Monroe; William N. Monroe; Charlie Ewell; Tom Ewell; J. G. Fellers; Ben Ficklin; J. W. Finley; John King Fisher; Joe Foster; Burrel Franks; Elijah Franks; Ike Franks; William Franks; James H. French; T. C. Frost; Thomas B. Gailliard; Newton Gaines; Newton Prof Gaines; M. Gill; Gillett; Clements Hinds Archibald Gipson; Jovits Miss Gonzales; F. L. Goodman; S. D. Goodman; Stephen Goodman; Hybernia Miss Grace; Dr Granberry; John B. Granberry; F. Gray; Hetty Green; J. Evetts Haley; W. A. Hall; Jim Hanahan; John Hanahan; Eli T. Hankins; Gabe Hans; W. F. Hardeman; Wess Harden; William Harden; John Harrington; Frank Harris; Jack Harris; L. B. Harris; Ralph Harris; Mayor Thomas L. Hayden Jr.; Hays; Leon Heard; Wyatt Heard; Capt Hentig; Nat Hicks; W. C. Holden; George Horn; Hon John W. Hornsby; Reuben Hornsby; Roger Hornsby; Ruben Hornsby; Mrs Rueben Hornsby; William Hornsby; Andrew Jackson Houston; John R. Hutto; Pres Andrew Jackson; James Jackson; Vinton L. Jackson; J. Willis Johnson; Joe B. Johnson; Pres Anson Jones; Clifford B. Jones; Sam Jones; Seaton Keith; John Kincaid; William P. Kincannon; W. B. Knox; Herman Koehler; D. L. Kokernot; Miss Clarinda Loveworth Latham; Lehmann; Dan Lewis; Nat Lewis; S. Lindauer; G. F. Ling; Mary Little; Longley; Capt Lovejoy; "Bill" Sheriff Lowther; Gen Lyon; Tom Maloney; Gov Martinez; S. B. McAllister; Jack McCain; Green McCoy; Gen Ben McCulloch; Gen Benjamin McCulloch; Henry E. McCulloch; Sgt C. W. McFadden; Joe T. McKinney; Sheriff Meek; Miles; F. S. Millard; Fred S. Millard; Alsey S. Miller; J. L. Millspaugh; J. Wright Moar; Henry Moody; John S. Moore; John W. Moore; Col James Morgan; R. Morris; William Morrison; Joe Moss; Mrs Joe Moss; Ike Mullins; Josephine Murphy; Chief Nadaski; Robert S. Neighbors; Joe Ney; Thomas R. Nichols; E. A. Nimitz; Mrs Lipscomb Norvell; Ella Nunn; Lilly Nunn; Outlaw; W. S. B. Owens; Thomas Judge Paschal; Percival Payne; Dr J. E. Pearce; Prof Pearce; R. L. Penick; M. T. Person; Gifford Pinchot; F. A. Piper; Piper; George Polock; Judge Preuser; Maj R. Price; Anne Pugh; Need Pulliam; Nub Pulliam; Charles W. Ramsdell; Dr Ramsdell; Wilson Randle; Fannie Miss Ratchford; Peter Rath; O. O. Reed; M. L. Rice; R. N. Richardson; Rister; Dr C. C. Rister; James Roberts; Jeremiah Roberts; Gov O. M. Roberts; Sterling P. Robertson; Jim Rogers; Joseph Rogers; Will Rogers; Jim Rose; J. D. Sandefer; Saunders; Mrs Dallas Scarborough; Charles Schreiner; Henry Shane; Phil Shardien; Everett Shepherd; Morris Sheppard; R. E. Sherrill; Billie Simms; Billie Sims; Siringo; Charlie Charles A. Siringo; Ashbel Smith; Col Ashbel Smith; Dr Ashbel Smith; Bill Smith; Clinton Smith; Col Smith; George W Smith; Jefferson Smith; Gen Larkin Smith; Corp T. H. Smith; Will Smith; Sowell; Capt James Spillman; Spillman; Mrs J. McAllister Stephenson; George W. Stockley; J. W. Stockley; Frank Stockton; John K. Strecker; Capt John Summers; Arthur Swift; Mrs A. E. Tankersley; Fayette Tankersley; Mart Tankersley; Wash Tankersley; Dr H. B. Tanner; Leo Tarleton; William Tell; Gates Thomas; Thompson; E. E. Townsend; W. B. Travis; William Tumlinson; George Turner; D. C. Underwood; Columbus Upson; W. S. Veck; William S. Veck; J. D. Walker; John D. Walker; Wallace; John Walters; Washington; W. P. Webb; William Corp Wells; John Wesley; James Whitecotton; Sgt James Whitecotton; Anne Pugh Wilbarger; Dorthy Olive Wilbarger; James Harvey Wilbarger; John Harvey Wilbarger; Josiah Harvey Wilbarger; Josiah Pugh Wilbarger; Mathias Wilbarger; Lt Webster Wilbarger; Charles Wilcox; A. Wilkerson; Capt A. Wilkerson; King William; Prince William; Z. T. Woodall; Bill Wootan; Mrs Anna Wright; Maj Morris Wright; W. M. Corp Yancy; Yanc Yale

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Our Testimonials

Glad to get networked with you Jim. I have really had a lot of success  with my research thanks to Frontier Times and yourself of course. Mr.  Hunter was a God send in helping record enough information to help  future generations track our history. When our families arrived here in  Texas they were ahead of government, counties, etc. so it is a great  task to piece together details. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas  brother!