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Vol 06 No. 08 - May 1929
Davy Crockett, Hero And Congressman (On the Cover)
Excellent account of the great frontiersman and Alamo hero who was born on the banks of the Nolachucky river, in east Tennessee, August 17, 1786, and lived a celebrated life as frontiersman, political maverick and martyr for freedom. Here is a fairly in depth look at his life and political experience. Besides this, the man was a true "character" as you can tell by this quote.
"I have heard people talk about hard loving, yet I reckon no poor devil in this world was ever cursed with such hard love as mine has always been when it came on me. I soon found myself head over heels in love with this girl, and thought that if all the hills about there were pure chink, and all belonged to me, I would give them if I could just talk to her as I wanted to, but I was afraid to begin, for when I could think of saying anything to her my heart would begin to flutter like a duck in a puddle, and if I tried to outdo it and speak it would get right smack up in my throat and choke me like a cold potato. It bore on my mind in this way till at last I concluded I must die if I didn't broach the subject, and so I determined to begin and hang on a trying to speak till my heart would get out of my throat one way or t'other. And so one day at it I went, and after several trials I could say a little. I told her how well I loved her; that she was the darling object of my soul and body, and I must have her or else I should pine down to nothing and just die away with the consumption.
"I found my talk was not disagreeable to her, but she was an honest girl and did not want to deceive nobody. She told me she was engaged to her cousin, a son of the old Quaker. This news was worse to me than war, pestilence, or famine; but still I knowed I could not help myself. I saw quick enough my cake was dough, and I tried to cool off as fast as possible, but I had hardly safety pipes enough, as my love was so strong as to mighty nigh bust my boilers. But I didn't press my claims no more, seeing there was no chance…
Further Mentions: Senator "Jim" Watson, of Indiana * His mother, whose maiden name was Rebecca Hawkins * Davy's father served as a soldier in the Revolutionary war * Cove creek * At 12, Davy had the jolt of his young life when' his father, unknown to him, hired him out to an old Dutchman, named Siler, to assist in driving a herd of cattle 400 miles across the mountains to a place in Virginia about three miles from the Natural Bridge * Old man Dunn * Benjamin Kitchen's log school * Jesse Cheek, who hired him the next morning to help take some cattle to Front Royal, Va. * James Caldwell * Elijah Griffith * Abraham Wilson * John Kennedy, a Quaker farmer * Polly Finlay, a little Irish girl who was remarkably pretty * Mulberry creek, in what is now Lincoln county * Col. Polk, subsequently a member of Congress * Crockett's natural wit and ability to tell original stories soon made him a favorite with the members of the legislature * Col. Alexander and Gen. Arnold * Joe E. Milner *
The Capture Of Cynthia Ann Parker
Mrs. Araminta McClellan Taulman.
FRONTIER TIMES wants to "keep the record straight" in regard to Texas history. We will not willingly and knowingly publish a story that distorts the facts in any case, and whenever we do publish an article wherein the statements do not bear the semblance of truth, we are always ready to make correction. By this we do not mean that we invite controversy, but rather-we invite correction. In gathering material for this magazine, which relates to the remote past, we often have narratives furnished us which contain many inaccuracies Last month we published Uncle Ben Dragoo's version of the re-capture of Cynthia Ann Parker. At the time Uncle Ben gave us this story he was past eighty years old, and it is quite probable that his memory was not quite clear; but be that as it may, the following letter from Mrs. Araminta McClellan Taulman, of Fort Worth, written in the most kindly vein, is published in order that we may stand corrected on some of the statements made in Uncle Ben's story. Mrs. Taulman, being a member of the Parker family, is in position to know, and does know the facts. And we cheerfully publish her letter, which follows
Dear Sir: Your magazine, Frontier Times comes to our home, and my husband and I are both very much interested in it, and in the incidents in Texas history that it records for future generations. I have never seen a magazine that contained more information about the early settlement of Texas. You seem to be specially favored in having access to the sources of the class of material you require. Your magazine has the promise of becoming an authority on Texas history…
Further Mentions: Red River County * the Navasota River near Fort Parker * Parker's Fort * Lieut. Tom Kelliheir * the fight at Pease River * Frank Cassidy * Quanah Parker * McLennan county * Mamie Folsom Wynne * Colonel C. C. Smith *
Crockett Courier, November 29, 1928
Mentions: Cabeza de Vaca * El Paso del Norte * Ysleta * La Salle * Lavaca Bay * Neches river about twenty-five miles northeast of Crockett.* This San Antonio road ran through the present townsite we know as Crockett * Crockett as well as some of the other communities of the county are among the oldest settlements of Texas *
The Adams Brothers Of Jim Wells County
Here is excellent VERY early Jim Wells, county History! Had there been no Adams Brothers it is hardly probable that there ever would have been a Jim Wells County, Texas. William and Robert Adams were born in England (William in 1864 and Robert in 1847) and came with their parents to Corpus Christi in 1852. In 1869 the Adams Brothers preempted 320 acres on the Tecolote Creek. about 14 miles north of where the town of Alice is now located. At the time there was not half a dozen American families living within the boundaries of what now constitutes the County of Jim Wells. It was impossible to obtain lumber for building because Adams Brothers had no money, and, in fact there was not a single lumber house in the district. William and Robert Adams therefore resolved that each should build a log house on his own pre-emption. Mesquite logs for the walls were cut on the Lagarto Creek, willow poles for the roof on the Nucces River and palmetto for thatch was brought from San Patricio. The Adams Brothers were among the first ranchmen in Southwest Texas to bring pure-bred Durham bulls to the country. On account of the Texas fever 75 per cent of the first imported cattle died. However, by perseverance, never relaxing their efforts or faltering in their determination to succeed, in 1884 they were able to send cattle to St. Louis that weighed 1256 pounds when they arrived at their destination.
Further Mentions: the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo between the United States and Mexico * the country South of the Nueces was marked "Range of the Comanches, Wild Cattle, Mustangs"; the Northwest was marked "Great American Desert, Staked Plains, Jornado de Muerte," i. e., The Journey of Death * Indianola and other gulf ports to San Antonio in ox-carts, and from Corpus Christi to Laredo, Monflova and Monterey * Nuecestown * Santa Gertrudes * arbon Creek in the Northwestern part of what was then Nueces County * The Barbon is near to the old Casa Blanca * the Missions of La Bahia and Refugio * Ed Kilmer, W. G. Sutherland * Mr. Brandes * "Motts Land" * Duval County * A. B. Dodson * On August 8, 1867 Robert Adams was married to Miss Loreno McWhorter, daughter of James McWhorter * James McWhorter * Gen. Somerville * William S. Fisher * Messrs. Little and Shand * Capt. King of. the Santa Gertrudes * Presnall, banker of Alice * In 1888 the Adams Brothers bought the Farias grant, containing two leagues of land * the Tecolote ranch. * In 1891 William Adams bought a large ranch near Alice and in 1893 * Alice Cotton Oil Company * Alice Broom Corn Drying Company * the South Texas Cattle Loan Company * the C. C. S. and R. G. Ry., now Tex. Mex. Ry., * the town of Colins * the S. A. P. railroad * Skidmore * Sandia, Orange Grove, Bentonville, Ben Bolt, Premont, La Gioria * The true, the real, the original pioneers of the district were Judge Gilpin, O. M. Dodson, George Reynolds, T. C. Wright, Fred Franks, Joseph Almond, William Adams and Robert Adams *
"The Mother Of Texas"
By Sam E. Miller
The marriage of Dr. James Long to Miss Jane Wilkinson, daughter of Judge Wilkinson, a prominent jurist, land and slave owner, was the union that later had a notable effect upon the history of Texas. The blushing girl bride, reared in luxury, educated, refined, moving in the highest circles of the polite society of that day, was destined to such adventure that comes to but few men and still fewer women - adventures that were borne nobly, hardships that were endured uncomplainingly, and which earned for her the majestic title from a number of writers, "The Mother of Texas. This is her story.
Further Mentions: Dr. Long was a native of Tennessee, a surgeon in Carroll's Brigade during the War of 1812-15. and fought with Jackson at New Orleans * Natches-Under-the-Hill was at that time the rendezvous of many adventurous spirits, many of them, of course, gamblers, escaped murderers and gunmen from other States, but not all were bad for it was here that Dr. Long met Nolan, Magee and other adventurous gentlemen who already made excursions into Texas; and their stories of Texas fired his imagination and appealed to his patriotic impulses to such an extent that he determined to come to Texas and found here a new republic. * John Henry Brown * Horatio Bigelow * Jim Gaines * La Fitte, the pirate * Colonel Perez * the village of Cooshattie * Colonel Ripley * Benjamin R. Milam * John Austin, Colonel Christy and General Don Felix Trespalacious * Bolivar Point, near Galvestion *
Alone with her two children, one a babe only a few months old, and her negro servant girl, Mrs. Long remained firm in her belief that the Doctor would return. She had of course, heard rumors that he was captured by the Mexicans; that he had been killed but in the face of all hearsay tales, she lived in the mud fort for almost two years, awaiting his return. Early in 1822 she was visited by two men she knew and in whom she had implicit confidence. They were Randall and Henry Jones, and from their lips she heard the sordid story of the capture and death of her husband. Not until then did she believe. In a few days she packed up the few belongings she possessed and accompanied the Jones brothers to San Antonio and thence to Natches, Miss.
But not long could she remain from the land she loved. "The Mother of Texas" soon returned to Texas-that her brave and noble husband had hoped to redeem from the tyranny of the oppressor. She located first at San Felipe, then at Brazoria and later at Richmond, where she died at the ripe age of eighty years and where she was buried.
Was Among The First To Go Up The Trail
By A. W. Hunter, Camp Wood, Texas
There are very few men living today who went up the trail with cattle bound for Kansas markets that have a more extensive knowledge of the hardships, hair-raising experiences, as well as pleasures of those pioneer days than S. H. Grantland of Camp Wood, Texas. Mr Grantland bears a singular distinction as a trail driver, in that he rode the herd one whole day, stark naked, save only his hat, and barebacked on his horse. His trail driving experiences began in 1869, and was probably among the very first trail drivers from that section of Texas. They left Gonzales county in March, starting with a herd of 1200 big steers from the mouth of Peach Creek. The destination was Abilene, Kansas. In the crew was Ollie Treadwell, Mercer McKinney, Frank Rollins, Ed Crawford, Gaston Cabbler, Charley Turk, McCormick, Columbus Carroll, George Reyno and Grantland.
Further Mentions: "Goliad in those days," said Mr. Grantland, "was a small place-a typical Texas town. The six-shooter was the law of the land and everybody went armed * entered the Confederate service, in Reed's company * "After the war closed, I, went to work, punching cattle for T. B. Malone * Sally Skull, a celebrated female character * the, notorious Jack Helms * Jim, Taylor at Rancho * Bill Sutton * The herd belonged to Columbus and Jake Carroll * Ed Crawford * the Smoky River * Malone & Rutledge * Hank Sullivan of Victoria * Among the others who sent herds from the Goliad section in those times were Joe Collins, Jim Reed, Bill Butler, Mr. Whetstone, Shanghai Pierce * Big Horn country *
Life On The Open Cattle Range In Texas
John and Catherine Lauderdale, journeying from Neosha, Mo. to California during the Gold Rush days, drew aside from the wagon train in 1850 to establish a home in Bell County on Bird's Creek, Bird's Prairie, four miles from Belton. The present city of Temple is located on the John Lauderdale homestead tract. It was in this frontier home that six children were born to John Lauderdale and his wife, five daughters and one son, R. J, or Bob Lauderdale, who became known throughout Texas as one of the most responsible, competent and conscientious drivers that ever took a herd of longhorns to a Northern market. He was recognized widely by old-time associates for his accuracy of memory regarding details of the drivers and the correctness of all the records given out by him of trail work that has gone to make history. This is his story.
Further Mentions: Uncle Aleck Hodge * old man Bill Hanks built the first house on the Temple townsite * While I lived with Uncle Aleck I did all kinds of range work with cattle, through Milam, Coryell and McLennan Counties, along with John Merritt, the Christopher boys, Will Wright and the Baggett boys, whose father built the first branding chute in that country * a roadhouse called Howard * a man named Isabell * Comanche Springs * Will Wright, Isaiah Hawk, a fellow named Hoffman * Moore's Landing * Bob Allen * Sim Holstein of Gonzales * Treadwell * Baggetts on King's Branch * Dave Hughes, George Reno, Jeff Woodley and John Talley together with Tom Coleman * North and South Bosque Rivers, Hog and Harris Cheeks, the Brazos River at old Fort Graham, and from there through Elizabeth Town to Fort Worth * Elm Creek, near where the town of St. Joe is now * Chicaskey, Slate and Minisqua * Jeff Woodley * O.L. Hughes * Sand Creek, twenty miles west of Wichita * Rowdy Joe * the Douglas House * the Blue Front store * Shanghai Pierce. Bud Chapman, Bill Bennett, Bud Hildebrandt * Ab Denmark, Bill Colley, Sam Tate, Matt Patton * Uncle Jim Ellison, Captain Millett, Dick Withers, Mike and Joe Shiner, John, Bill, Jenks and Ab Blockers; Dal, Cell, Till and Jess Driskill; Steve and Bill Birchfield, John Gamel, Jess McCoy, Henry Maley, Tobe Driskill, Sol Tuttle * Pleasanton * Bill and Campell Fountain * Trespalacios Bay * the W. B. Grimes' slaughter house * Harrisburg, then a much larger town than Houston * Bud Chapman * Fort Ewell * John Hawk * Mrs. O'Brion * the Chapman brothers * a man named RaMey * the La Parita pasture * Carrizo Springs. Lem English and Len Hays * the Pino * Cy Hays, Bill Dickens, Mrs. Roberts, Reub Bell * Ed English * John Slaughter * Billy Childress * the old Jim Crosson ranch on the Neuces near the mouth of St. Rockey Creek * Billy and John had cattle on Indian Bend, the McDonald and the Tulla ranches * Jack McCarley, Dick Horn * the Indian Bend ranch * Bill Daugherty * Rufe Ridley * a fellow named Lester * Runnels County * J. W. Murphy and George Hindes * Moro Mountain * Bill DeWees * the mouth of Elm, close to the place where the town of Ballinger is now * Fountain was located at the mouth of Mustang Creek, with Abe Jesson bossing the outfit, on the Colorado River. Sam and Modey Coggin . ranched on the same range, with Bill McCauley in charge. John Gibson was at the mouth of the Concho River on the Colorado and old Uncle Rich Coffey worked his cattle in that section too, living on the wire road on the Colorado River. Old man Perry Wilson was camped on Grape Creek, with his nephew, Bud Wilson, alias Hays, as foreman * Billy Wells * Bill Day * the Day ranch * Overall and Sharpe ranged their cattle on the head of Holmes Creek * Hudson's camp was at Pecan Springs, with Jim Brookshire bossing the outfit * Old Bob Wylie at one time one of the richest cattle men in Texas, ranched at the mouth of Valley Creek * Garland Odom and his father, the Colonel he was called, brought 3.500 head of cattle from down on the St. Geronimo, near San Antonio, up to their ranch in Runnels County. Old Fort Chadbourne was located on the head of Wolfe Creek and Baugh and McGinnis ranged stock on Oak Creek below the fort. * the mouth of Mustang Creek * Jeff Clayton * Captain Foster * Jim Rowden was holding his cattle on Rock Creek in Concho County * Buffalo Gap, where Carter & Grounds had a little supply store * the Hughes & Simpson ranch * the cattle inspector for trail herds, John Lauren * Fort Griffin * the town of Albany * Conrad's store * Frank Conrad * Elm Creek and just below the Millett and Irvin ranch * Pony Creek * the town of Vernon * paradise Creek * Doan's store * Old man Doan, his wife and three daughters * Fort Elliott and Fort Sill * Cache Creek * Cottonwood Creek * Wolf Creek * Wild Horse Creek * Maley's store * Ham Bell's camp yard * Charlie Rath and Bob Wright's store * the Long Branch Saloon * Bob Wright * Chalk Beeson * Charlie Bassett was Sheriff, Ed and Jim Masterson were on the police force and Joe Mason along with them. But on this last trip Bat Masterson, more or less famous, was City Marshal * Beaty and Kelly ran a restaurant and saloon combined. Cox and Boyd held forth at the Dodge City Hotel * Meuhler was a bootmaker * Zimmerman had a hardware store. York and Draper, who had run a big store for a long time, had sold out to Rathe & Wright, and some time later Judge Beverly bought out Rath's interest and the firm name became Wright & Beverly. Emmerson ran a big stage train that freighted from Dodge City to Fort Elliott * a man by the name of Dubbs ran what we called the Buttermilk Ranch. * the head of Duck Creek * Saw Log Creek * Fort Reno * the Murphy and Hindes cattle * old man Jess Driskill * Bates and Beall * LX, trade with the L reversed and connected to the X on the left side * Their ranch was on Canadian, near Adobe Walls * Bugsby, who ranched not far from Bates and Beall * a quarter-circle T, made like a half moon over the top of the T. * Pleasanton * Oakville * the town of Paint Rock * Lewis and Bluntzer * Saddle Creek, near the mouth of the Concho * Lebora Chappa * George Hindes * the Tienda ranch, which belonged to Martin Gonzales * the Ambrosia Roderiguez ranch * the La Pinta ranch in Atascosa County * Joe Collins * Bill DeWees * Hackney and Dowling * Mobeetie roadcrossing * Fort Sill * Tuttle and Chapman * Forman Rainey * Duck, Saw Log, Pony, Buckner, Pawnee, Smokey, Saline, North and South Solomon, Beaver, Driftwood, Republican and Frenchman Creeks * Stinking Water * C. F. Carroll * big Mexican ranches in the country: the St. Ignatisu, the Baracita and the Patricino, the latter owned by Martinez, the first two mentioned belonged to Bias Guterrerez. We went on to the Escovas meaning broom ranch and on to the Las Animas, the Rendado and from there back to San Antonio, having also visited the ranches of Ramon Guerro, Camilla Sice and Nino Romeros * Wilson County to the Camp ranch * Camp & Anderson's ranch in the Panhandle * Sam Kreuger, Al Barton * Old Man Vining * Joe and Charlie Shiner * Camp, Rosses & Carroll * the Tortilla ranch in Mexico * the Stanislaus ranch, called the Salomonine * Louis Martinez * the Palongona ranch * the Karoga ranch * brand 7-L * Mitchell & Pressnall * Seth Mayberry on Running Water * Bill Jackman's and Bill Ellis' herds, which belonged to Ellis & DeWees * Stoddard & Howard * Ash Fork * Fort Fetterman * Bob Lauderdale * Dryden in Pecos County * John Doak, Dan Franks * Zook & Odom * the Pecos Land and Cattle Company * Billy Alley * Jess Pressnall * Clem Crump * Henry Ritterman, T. Leonard, Jack Brown, Bob Gould, Jim Matthews and a fellow named Sharpe * Billy Campbell * the town of Monument, the Rosita ranch, belonging to Dunn & Houston * the Hash Knife Range * Loving's Bend * McKittrick Springs to -Billy Adams' ranch * Dark Canyon, Rocky Arroyo and Seven Rivers to the Penasco * Felice Creek * George Wilcox of Pleasanton * Tar Lake, * the Holt ranch * Barenda Creek * the Littlefield ranch * the Bosque Grande * the Rancho Rita Coloral * the Indian Reservation at Querrian * DeAgua Lake * the Union Beef Company * Lytle & Pressnall * Rafe and Tommy Franklyn * John Blocker * 7-D connected, the D turned to the left on the stem of the 7 * the Cassin Ranch in Zavalla County * Miss Nannie O'Brien * Sam Bass, Joel Collins * John Hawk * D. & A. Oppenheimer * Tom Coleman *
Texas Minute Man Blazes Way For Civilization
Here is the chronicle of a Texas "minute man," Alonzo Rees by Rev. N. G. Ozement of Center Point, who compiled it from Mr. Rees' reminiscences. It tells of the desperate struggle between the settlers and the wilderness. It briefly details thrilling battles and narrow escapes with the Redskins; it tells of the part taken by one man in building a state, now the greatest in the Union; it recounts the deeds of desperadoes. It is one of those life stories that throw a flood of light on the old and almost forgotten days when Texas was in its swaddling clothes. THIS IS NOTABLE AND IMPORTANT EARLY BANDERA AND KERR COUNTY HISTORY.
Further Mentions: the son of John and Henrietta Rees * Freeling Hurst * Purdy, McNeiry County, Tennessee * brothers, Sidney B. and Adolphus * "Old Clinton," DeWitt County, Texas * the R. B. Brown ranch, on the north side of the Guadalupe River * Verde Creek Valley * present town of Center Point * the R. E. Brown ranch on Steele Creek * Albert Wilborn * The first brush arbor ever built in this valley for public worship was near the mouth of Cherry Creek. Following Father Ralls were Rev. O. B. Adams, John W. Devilbliss, T. C. "Ande Meyers," W. F._ Compton, Ivy H. Cox, H. A. Graves and Andrew Jackson Potter. The last was called the "Fighting Parson of the Texas Frontier." * the Ridley saw mill on Verde Creek * W. D. Burney, sheriff * Jose Pallicarpo Rodriguez * Dr. Nowlin of Verde Creek * Jim Tafolla * Fort McCaleb * a Mr. Martin * In 1857 a young man came to Kerrville and opened, a school. This was the first school ever taught in Kerrville, or perhaps Kerr county. The young man was W. E. Pafford * Colonel J. E. McCord * Jack Hamilton, then Provisional Governor * Miss Eleanor Brown of Kerr county * Joshua D. and Jane Brown * Potter Brown * Miles A. Lowrance and James M. Starkey * Charles Schreiner *
The Noted Scout-Jose Policarpo Rodriguez
Account of "Polly" Rodriguez, the celebrated scout who was perhaps more familiar with the Southwest Texas country than any man then living. On surveying expeditions, and in trailing Indians and outlaws, his services were very valuable. He not only knew the country but knew about hunting, and how to find water, etc., on the expeditions, and knew the habits of Indian and wild animals. He lived in Texas when it was part of Mexico; when it was an independent Republic; while it was one of the Confederate states and lived long years after it became one of the states of United States. He was born 1829 at Zaragosa, Mexico, 35 miles west of Eagle Pass and from the age of 12 years he lived in Texas near San Antonio.
Further Mentions: Captain Walker * General Smith * Lieutenant Kerr *
A Big Page In The History Of Texas
By Charles L. Martin.
Perhaps the saddest as well as one of the most thrilling stories in the history of Texas is known as "The Runaway Scrape." This retreat was for the purpose of helping the mothers and wives of the men in defenseless homes between San Antonio and Trinity River to reach a point of safety. These homes were defenseless because the men were all in Sam Houston's little army, which was also falling back for the same purpose. His Fabian policy was carried out brilliantly for this purpose and also by feints, to lead the enemy to divide his forces into several columns. He succeeded in both. When he reached the Brazos River he knew that the fleeing women and children had crossed that stream and had reached, to some extent, a point of safety, and in some degree they felt their load lightened. Still they struggled on to cross the Trinity. Of the few men left at home, the helplessness of age made them only a burden. But they did not leave these old fathers to die by the roadside, but kindly and lovingly cared for them. These courageous pioneer frontier women made the best preparations in their power. For teams they put into service mules, but a few, and horses, fewer, and oxen and even milch cows. Wagons and carts and old "carryalls" and buggies were all loaded to the brim with all their possessions, save the little furniture, some of it homemade. The "carryalls" and old buggies were more relics of former days of usefulness than serviceable, but they were utilized. Some of their carts would have been a drawing feature in a sideshow at a circus. The wheels were made from huge trees that were felled to the earth and wheels were sawed out of the big boles. Food was scarce, weather unpredictable and the Indians of East Texas were on the prowl. This is the story of the plight of these brave Texans."CHISHOLM" IS RIGHT
The following letter from Col. M. L. Johnson, of 4639 Marshall Street, Dallas, Texas, should forever settle the controversy in regard to the spelling of old John Chisholm's name. We are glad Col. Johnson has come forward with this information, for it is indeed convincing enough…
The Story Of A Famous Expedition
This Narrative of Fremont's Retreat From the San Luis Valley is Given as told by Thos. E. Breckenridge, a Survivor of the Expedition, to J. W. Freeman and Chas. W. Watson. The story recounts how a little band of four, ill-equipped, frost-bitten, starving to death was to start on a desperate trip of one hundred and eighty miles, on foot, in the dead winter, through the roughest country of America.
Excerpts: We continued to advance up the river, the snow growing deeper day by day. The weather was terribly cold and many of the men were frost-bitten. We could see the mountains ahead, and on account of their tremendous height and distance, we felt it would be impossible to cross the range. Colonel Fremont knew it, too, for he talked to Williams again, and Williams advised returning to the Sagauche, or south to New Mexico; but Colonel Fremont thought he could make a short cut over the La Garita Mountains and accomplish the same thing, for we turned north, left the Rio Grande, an began to ascend the mountains, following a little stream which I now think is Embargo Creek. Our trail lay through deep mountain gorges and among towering crags and steep declivities, which at any other time of the year, would have been dangerous to traverse. Several of our animals stumbled and fell headlong over the cliffs and were dashed to pieces on the rocks. To make matters worse it had commenced snowing again. It seemed as if the elements were against us, but the men held up well, and although all were more or less frozen, I cannot remember hearing one word of grumbling. Men would push ahead and make a trail until tired out when others would take their places. At night, all wet to the skin, we would gather around the great camp fires, cook and eat our mule meat, and then wrapping ourselves in wet blankets, would go to sleep.
For days we had nothing to cat but parched leather. My memory is clouded concerning a portion of the time, so near was I to death, but to the best of my recollection, we lived eight days on our boots, belts and knife scabbards. It is an utter impossibility to describe the agony of those days.
Through the day we went staggering in, limping and toiling and growing weaker, every day. We talked but little, and suffered in silence. I do not recollect that there was ever a word of regret for having started on this mission to do or die. Our stock of burnt boots was now gone. We began to chew the leather of our knife scabbards as we staggered on. When these were gone we began on our belts.
But our frozen feet soon gave out. We. were compelled to get down on our hands and knees. For nearly the entire distance we crawled through ice or snow. Before half the distance was covered our remnants of blankets had been used to wrap our frozen limbs. Our suffering was almost beyond description. Those who have been affected by snow-blindness can appreciate our position. Our feet had been so frozen and thawed that the flesh had come off. It was a painful operation to dress those horrible sores. We were obliged to use day after day the same old pieces of woolen blankets covered with deer's tallow. Truly, that last forty miles was a trail of blood. It required ten days to reach the settlement-ten days of most excruciating pain. Looking back, after so many years, I cannot understand how we lived through it.
Mentions: "Old Bill" Williams, one of the oldest mountaineers and guides in the West * Williams had been with Fremont's Topographical Corps on its trip from St. Louis to Sutter's Fort, California, in 1845 * Senator Benton * Hardscrabble * West Mountain and the Sangre de Cristo range * Wet Mountain * Dick Wooton, one of Colorado's-pioneers * Breckenridge * Kreutzfelt *
Black Hills Steeped In Lore Of Gold Rush
Account of the bad, bold days of the Black Hills, when hardy pioneers and gold seekers inhabited the region of Rapid City, Deadwood Gulch, and on the mountain slope above this mining camp with a name that breathes of wild, wild West are the graves of the Black Hills' three most picturesque characters, Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane Cannary and Preacher Smith.
Further Mentions: The town of Custer * French Creek * Fly Specked Billy * Another mountain stream, Lame Johnny Creek * Deadwood Gulch Camp * James Butler Hickok, otherwise known as Wild Bill (includes photo) * Fort Hays * Texas Jack Omohondro * Buffalo Bill Cody * Mrs. Agnes Lake, a circus performer, in Cheyenne * Colorado Charlie Utter * Jack McCall * Martha "Calamity" Jane Cannary (includes photo) * Frank J. Wilstach * a saloon at Terrill, near Deadwood * Bill Nye * Captain Egan * the Laramie Boomerang * Goose Creek post * Preacher Henry Weston Smith * gambling house of one Nut-shell Bill * Pahasapa * Walter Price Hunt * John Jacob Astor * General Harney * Little Thunder's tribe * the Red Cloud War * Captain Fetterman's little force of soldiery was wiped 'out * Deadwood Dick, Indian fighter * Dirty Woman Creek, Gunsight Pass, Shirtail Canyon and Deadhorse Park * Hangman's Hill, a wooded slope that harbored innumerable necktie parties in days gone by *
Thirty Years In Texas Pulpit And School
A. W. Young.
Often funerals were held from three to six months after the burial, and in some instances, a year afterward. On several occasions where members of the family were absent for a long time, and reports received that they were dead, they had funeral services for them. These funerals were advertised for many weeks before they were held so that all people in the whole country might be on hand and they usually were. Such events were the greatest gathering places of those days. They were a kind of family reunion and a place where all the news could be learned. Also they were places where courtships could make good headway and horse tradings sometimes, a side line. Announcements of general interest were made by the preacher, before or after the funeral oration. It sometimes happened, where the funeral was held for one who had been absent and had been reported dead, that he returned home a few weeks after the funeral, and, like Mark Twain in London, declared the report of his death to be "greatly exaggerated".
Further Mentions: On one occasion a young man heard that his funeral was to be preached, and he returned in disguise, and heard the sermon. * the old Raper church, west of Jacksboro in Jack county, Texas * Jeff Hardy * Ringgold * Center Point, four miles west of St. Jo, Texas * the funeral of W. P. Armstrong, who came to that country from Mississippi in 1882 * I conducted the funeral of his widow, Mary J. Armstrong, and she was laid beside him * Weary Willie and Dusty Rhodes * The most remarkale funeral sermon I have ever known was preached by Ethalmore V. Cox, who at that time was pastor of the Methodist church in Graubury,, Texas. The sherif: of Hood County killed a young woman at Fort Worth, and then killed himself, and when Cox preached the funeral he handled the subject of life, death and morality without any sugarcoating. That sermon was issued in booklet form and had a wide circulation.
Old Circuit Riding Days In West Texas
The early preachers of West Texas rode horseback and carried their Bibles in a pair of saddlebags. They knew how to quote scripture when fighting the devil; could also shoot a carbine as straight as anyone and, if needs be, could kill an Indian when said Indian was on the warpath. No history of the frontier, with a record of its valiant citizenship, would be complete unless there was a chapter devoted to the grand old patriarchs of this type. They planted the flower of faith in the footsteps of the first pioneers and kept the flower perrenial by personal sacrifice. If they didn't charm so much with their eloquence, or with the sheer power of a gifted personality, they, with their faith and helpful kindness, adorned the rugged manhood of the old West. This is the account of one special fightin, noble man, Parson Robertson and especially of his valor in the pursuit of marauding Indians and the fight that followed.
Further Mentions: the winter of 1859, however, that this venerable knight of the cross had his most peculiar experience and one that perhaps no other man of his calling ever had. The incident here related occurred somewhere between Robertson Peak in Coleman county and Buffalo Gap in Taylor county *
By Howell Johnson, Ft. Stockton, Texas.
Account of a confrontation between upstanding citizens of Pecos county & Ft. Stockton with the infamous gunman, Zack Light. It is a first-hand account of the confrontation that was nearly disastrous for sheriff John Edgar, George Lewis, county clerk, F. W. Young and the author on September 23rd, 1885 at the Koehler saloon.
Further Mentions: R. D. Gage of Pecos City * the Rooney irrigation farm and the Pressnal and Mussey farm, situated about three miles from Ft. Stockton * Judge Geo. M. Frazer, one of the first settlers here after the civil war and a brother-in-law of John Edgar, sheriff * John Holland and a Mr. Prude * George Steumke * Seven Rivers, New Mexico
Col. Ray Gardner, perhaps the last noted Indian scout of the great West arrived in Burnet last Saturday afternoon, with his three pack burros-Dynamite, Salome and Tipperary. He was astride one of them and the other two were packed to capacity. They are encamped at the City park and will remain here for several days. Perhaps Col. Gardner will deliver a lecture to the local Boy Scouts Friday night.
Col. Gardner would attract attention any where with his long flowing hair and whiskers. Although 82 years of age he hasn't a gray hair in his head. He is an unusually interesting conversationalist and…
Col. Gardner at the age of 18 months was captured by the Comanche Indians near the present site of Amarillo, and it was eleven years before he succeeded in making his escape. He became a government scout at the age of 17…
The City of Gonzales is the County Seat and situated very near the center of Gonzales County, Texas, and in the heart of the Guadalupe River Valley. It is at the junction of State Highway No. 3 (The Old Spanish Trail) and State Highway No. 29 (The Middle Buster Highway.) Sixtyeight miles East of San Antonio; one hundred and forty miles south of Austin, the State capital; ninety-two miles to the Gulf of Mexico; and one-hundred and fifty miles from the new Port of Corpus Christi.
The City of Gonzales was founded in 1825 by Empressario Green Dewitt who obtained the grant from the Mexican Government and named the city "Gonzales" after the first Governor of Coahuila and Texas. The original boundaries of the DeWitt Colony embraced Gonzales, DeWitt, Guadalupe, Caldwell and portions of Lavaca and Karnes counties…
Billy Adams; Rev O. B. Adams; Robert Adams; Mrs Robert Adams; William Adams; Mrs William Adams; Col Alexander; Bob Allen; Ethan Allen; Billy Alley; Joseph Almond; Mary J. Armstrong; W. P. Armstrong; Gen Arnold; John Jacob Astor; John Austin; George Ballard; Dr Eugene C. Barker; Al Barton; Bass; CharlieBassett; Chalk Beeson; Ham Bell; Reub Bell; Bill Bennett; John Benson; Senator Benton; Judge Beverly; Horatio Bigelow; Bill Birchfield; Steve Birchfield; George Bird; Blocker; Ab Blockers; Bill Blockers; Jenks Blockers; John Blockers; Tom Breckenridge; Jim Brookshire; Eleanor Brown; Jack Brown; Jane Brown; ; Joshua D. Brown; Potter Brown; R. B. Brown; R. E. Brown ; Burleson; W. D. Burney; Bill Butler; Gaston Cabbler; James Caldwell; Billy Campbell; Calamity Jane Cannary; Martha Jane Cannary; C. F. Carroll; Jake Columbus; Frank Cassidy; Bud Chapman; Lebora Chappa; Jesse Cheek; Harris Cheeks; Hog Cheeks; Billy Childress; John Chisholm; Col Christy; Bill Clark; Jeff Clayton; Buffalo Bill Cody; Coffey; Modey Coggin; Sam Coggin; Tom Coleman; Bill Colley; Joe Collins; ; Joel Collins; W. F. Compton; Frank Conrad; Pres Coolidge; Cos; Ethalmore V. Cox; Ivy H. Cox; Ed Crawford; Col Crockett; ; John Crockett; Cross; Jim Crosson; Clem Crump; Custer; ; Bill Daugherty; William Barrett Davis; Bill Day; Ab Denmark; John W. Devilbliss; Bill DeWees; DeWees; Green Dewitt; Bill Dickens; Dixon; John Doak; Dobie; A. B. Dodson; O. M. Dodson; Sarah Dodson; Dragoo; Driggs; Cell Driskill; Dal Driskill; Jess Driskill; Till Driskill; Tobe Driskill; Duval; Joe Eagle; John Edgar; Hayden Edwards; Capt Egan; Bill Ellis; Jim Ellison; Ed English; Lem English; Capt Fetterman; Polly Finlay; William S. Fisher; Capt Foster; Bill Fountain; Campell Fountain; Rafe Franklyn; Tommy Franklyn; Dan Franks; Fred Franks; Geo M. Judge Frazer; J. W. Freeman; Col Fremont; ; R. D. Gage; Jim Gaines; Gamel; Col Ray Gardner; John Gibson; Gillett; Judge Gilpin; Martin Gonzales; Chas Goodnight; Bob Gould; S. H. Grantland; H. A. Graves; Greeley; Elijah Griffith; W. B. Grimes; Ramon Guerro; Blas Guterrerez; Jack Hamilton; Bill Hanks; Jeff Hardy; Gen Harney; Isaiah Hawk; John Hawk; Rebecca Hawkins; Capt Jack Hayes; Cy Hays; Len; Jack Helms; James Butler Hickok; Wild Bill (See James) Hickok; Bud Hildebrandt; George Hindes; Aleck Hodge; John Holland; Sim Holstein; Pres Hoover; Dick Horn; Dave Hughes; Ol Hughes; Walter Price Hunt; A. W. Hunter; ; Freeling Hurst; Bill Jackman; Pres Andrew Jackson; Thomas Jefferson; Abe Jesson; Howell Johnson; Col M. L. Johnson; Henry Jones; Randall Jones; Sister Jones; Lt Tom Kelliheir; John Kennedy; Lt Kerr; Ed Kilmer; Capt King; Benjamin Kitchen; Sam Kreuger; Mrs Agnes Lake; David Lang; Bob Lauderdale; Lauderdale; Catherine Lauderdale; John Lauderdale; R. J. (Bob) Lauderdale; John Lauren; Lehmann; T. Leonard; George Lewis; Zack Light; Dr Long; Dr James Long; Jane Wilkinson; Mrs Looney; Miles A. Lowrance; Henry Maley; T. B. Malone; Charles L. Martin; Louis Martinez; Joe Mason; Ed Masterson; Jim Masterson; Jim Matthews; Seth Mayberry; Jack McCall; Bill McCauley; Col J. E. McCord; Jess McCoy; Jack McCurley; Mercer McKinney; James McWhorter; Loreno McWhorter; A. Meadows; John Merritt; T. C. Meyers; Benjamin R. Milam; Joaquin Miller; Sam E. Miller; Capt Millett; Joe E. Milner; Black Bill Montgomery; J. W. Murphy; Dr Nowlin; Bill Nye; Nannie O'Brien; Volley Oden; Garland Odom; Texas Jack Omohondro; A. Oppenheimer; D. Oppenheimer; Rev N. G. Ozement; W. E. Pafford; Parker; Matt Patton; Col Perez; Shanghai Pierce; Col Polk; Andrew Jackson Potter; Jess Presnall; Mitchell Presnall; P. A. Presnall; Forman Rainey; Father Ralls; Charlie Rath; Jim Reed; Adolphus Rees; Alonzo Rees; ; Capt Rees; Henrietta Rees; John Rees; Martha Rees; Sidney B. Rees; George Reno; George Reyno; George Reynolds; Rufe Ridley; Col Ripley; Henry Ritterman; Roberts; Parson Robertson; Ambrosia Roderiguez; Jose Pallicarpo Rodriguez; Jose Policarpo; Frank Rollins; Nino Romeros; Jim Rowden; Pres Santa Anna; Saunders; Charles Schreiner; Charlie Shiner; Joe Shiner; Mike Shiner; Camilla Sice; Sally Skull; Slaughter; Col C. C. Smith; Henry Weston; Gen Persifer Weston; Preacher Weston; Gen Somerville; James M. Starkey; George Steumke; Bill Stone; Hank Sullivan; W. G. Sutherland; Bill Sutton; Jim Tafolla; John Talley; Sam Tate; Araminta McClellan Taulman; Taylor; Seth Thomas; Travis; Ol Treadwell; Ollie Treadwell; Gen Don Felix Trespalacious; Charley Turk; Sol Tuttle; Mark Twain; Colorado Charlie Utter; Vaca; Capt Walker; Chas W. Watson; Jim Watson; Billy Wells; Jim Wells; ; Albert Wilborn; George Wilcox; Judge Wilkerson; Jane Wilkinson; Judge Wilkinson; Bill Williams; "Old Bill" Williams; Abraham Wilson; Bud Wilson; Perry Wilson; Frank J. Wilstach; Dick Withers; Woll; Jeff Woodley; Dick Wooton; Louis J. Wortham; Bob Wright; T. C. Wright; Will Wright; Bob Wylie; Mamie Folsom Wynne; A. W. Young; Billy Young; F. W. Young; Youmans.
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