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Vol 14 No. 06 - March 1937

William Adams Came To Texas In 1852

By Ruth Dodson

Account of the early years of the social and industrial history of the part of Southwest Texas that lies south of the Nueces river—a history in which Mr. William Adams played an outstanding part. He was among those who came to this unsettled frontier, lived, and courageously met the perilous conditions that existed. He was equipped with energy, ambition, the highest type of moral character, and the vision to see richer possibilities in whatever line of endeavor he engaged in. His long life was a great adventure. And probably no one of the pioneers who were contemporaries of William Adams contributed more to the development of the part of the country in which they lived than did he, not along industrial lines alone, but in its social and moral upbuilding as well. Always standing for what was the best, his influence and aid was lent to that only which was constructive. This is his story.

Mentions: The Motts * by Peggy Dodson, a pupil in the Orange Grove, Jim Wells County * Walter Woodul * the mercantile firm of Gilpin and Belden * Antonio Moya * the Agua Dulce Creek * A. B. Dodson, a veteran of the Texas Revolution * Edward Bradley * Sarah Dodson * They settled in what was then the northwest part of Nueces county, now the northern part of Jim Wells county * Mr. Adams established a ranch a few miles south of the pre-sent town of Alice * Mrs. Mary Hinnart, of Faifurrias

The Bridges Brothers Of Mason

By J. Marvin Hunter

Shortly after the Civil War there came to Mason three Bridges brothers, M. V. (Van), S. F. (Lace), and J. D. (Joe) Bridges. These three Bridges brothers, and their wives, brought culture and refinement to the frontier village, and all are held in loving remembrance by the people there today. This is their story. Includes photos of M. V. Bridges and Mrs. Belle W. Bridges.

Further Mentions: James E. Ranck, generally known as "the Father of Mason," * Lace Bridges * Joe D. Bridges * Miss Belle W. Naudain * George Todd, Jr * the Hulitt Conservatory * the old Methodist Episcopal Church in Mason * Mrs. Emma Logan, of Kentucky * Misses Lulu and Cora Bridges * John F. Shaeg * J. W. White * Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Bridges * Dillon Bridges, Frank Bridges, Burrell Bridges, May Bridges, Ida Bridges, and Will Bridges. * Dr. Robert Baze * Prof. Paul J. Sachs *

James V. Allred, Texas’ Youngest Governor

Looking back over the long list of statesmen and mighty men who have served Texas, we find, from the record he has already made as our Governor, that Jimmie Allred measures with the best of them, and surpasses many of his predecessors. As Governor of the largest State in the Union he had to meet and solve many problems that did not confront the honored patriots of the days of the Republic. His integrity, his sincere love for Texas, his fearless devotion to duty, his sound judgment in all matters of State, brought the state through two years of industrial strife, and in a masterful way is pulled Texas out of the greatest and most disastrous national depression ever known. This is his story.

Mentions: Lieut. Gov. Walter F. Woodul * Govs. James E. Ferguson and Miriam A. Ferguson, Dan Moody, Ross Sterling, W. P. Hobby, O. B. Colquitt, and Pat M. Neff * Sen. Will D. Pace * Maj. Gen. Herber L J. Brees of San Antonio * Maj. Gen. Claude V. Birkhead * Brig. Gen. Louis S. David * George T. Wood * P. H. Bell * H. R. Runnels * F. R. Lubbock * Pendleton Murrah. A. J. Hamilton * J. W. Throckmorton. E. M. Pease * E. J. Davis * R. B. Hubbard

Ranger, River Guard, Ranchman

By T. C. Richardson in Farm and Ranch

Account of Everett E. Townsend of Alpine, Texas, who was born of pioneer Texas stock, the breed that kept well out on the frontier as long as there was a frontier. Born in Colorado county October 20, 1871, he was only thirteen when his ranchman father moved to Eagle Pass. Two years later drought and disaster in the cattle business threw the fifteen-year-old boy on his own resources, and he went to work at $9 a month, eventually becoming prominent and successful. This is his story.

Mentions: He joined the Rangers under Captain J. S. McNeel * Catarino Garza, a Laredo and Rio Grande City newspaper man * Marshal Dick Ware * Langtry * Miss Alice Moues * the Elsinore Cattle Company's interests in Pecos county * the E L ranch * Boquillas * Captain Jerry Gray * Lieutenant Candido Aguilar * R. M. Wagstaff of Abilene * Dr. Robert T. Hill * R. E. Thomason of El Paso * Brewster * David Galicia * Conrad L. Wirth * Robert Witter of the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology

A Journey Through Texas In 1856

By Frederick Law Olmsted

(Continued from Last Month)

Wicked Kansas Towns In Roaring Cattle Days

The Kansas City Star, Thursday, September 3, 1936.

Gives account of brawling days of wild Kansas towns of Dodge City, Abilene, Ellsworth, Newton, a place characterized by "wild night life, gross wickedness, and gun battles unequaled in any other cow town in Kansas" and others.

Further Mentions: Kossuth * Mr. Comorn * Jim Thompson * Benjamin Streeter * "McCoy's Addition" * "Devil's Half Acre." * "Bear River" Tom Smith * Chapman Creek * Wyoming Frank, a big burly fellow * the John Robinson circus * Sheriff Whitney * Billy Thompson * Cad Pierce * Ed Crawford * Charlie Brown * Happy Jack, * Rev. R. M. Overstreet of Emporia * the Goldroom Saloon * Gregory's saloon * Snyder and Welch * Judge R. W. P. Muse, a pioneer resident of Newton * Henry Brunner * Douglas and Main Keno Hall * E. L. Doheny * the Texas House, diagonally across Douglas, west of Water. * Delano * Joseph (Rowdy Joe) Lowe and his wife, Kate * John (Red) Beard * the Kansas Pacific railroad * Buffalo Bill and Matt Clarkson * Hays, Kan * Mr. B. F. Payne * William Rutledge

Fight Between Indians And Rangers

From A. J. Sowell's "Texas Indian Fighters."

Account of 1870 battle involving Frank Payne, who although still young, joined a company of rangers commanded by Capt. Rufus Perry. The captain was an old Jack Hays ranger, and was the same who had such a fearful experience in Nueces Canyon when he and Kit Ackland were so severely wounded. Captain Perry's company was stationed at a place called Little Red River, near Camp San Saba Springs. While there the rangers received information that a large body of Indians were raiding below and had carried off a drove of horses near Dripping Springs, in Hays county. The rangers lost no time and were soon at the scene of the raid and on the trail of the redskins. The trail was discovered near Shovel Mountain, and was so plain and fresh the rangers knew the Indians could not be far ahead, and dashed on as rapidly as the nature of the ground would permit, all eager for the battle. This is the story of what followed.

Mentions: Dung Payne * Kit Ackland * Shovel Mountain * Capain Perry, B. F. Payne, Frank Enoch, the three Bird Brothers * Mr. Peter Steffian * Fort McIntosh * the City of Laredo * Captain E. N. Gray

Indian Raid In Duval And Nueces Counties

Account of raid that occurred on the 14th day of April, 1878, involving Kickapoo, Lipari and Seminole Indians, Mexicans and a white man. Their objects were murder and plunder.

Mentions: Prospero Guerra and Justo Guerra * Jorgea Garcia * Dr. Henry Spohn * McMullen county * High Tree * William H. Steele's rancho * Palo Alto * Mrs. W. H. Steele * Richard and George Taylor * Martin Martinez and Florentine Leo * Mr. E. C. Moore * the Toribio rancho * McMullen * T. W. Gillette * Fort Ewell * Vicente Robeldo * Tomas Zunega * Guadalupe Basan * Charco Escondido * Richard Jordan * Antonio Valdez * Mr. Frank Gravis * Munoz Rancho * James O. Luby * Don Jesus Ramirez * Rancho Cerrito Prieto, Webb county * Rancho Palo Alto, LaSalle county * John Steele * Martin Martinez * Florenzo Leo * Frederick B. Moore, San Ygnacio, McMullen county * Vicente Robeldo * John Jordan * Antonio Valdez * Margarito Rodriguez *

Counted Cannon Balls As They Whizzed By

San Antonio Express, January 10, 1937 Account of Mrs. Theresa Clearwater who lived through a dangerous, unusual and difficult childhood due to the location of her home on the sands of Little Clarksville. She was there surrounded by four armies who fought literally over her head. During the peak of the war days, when troops of the North and South battled each other on one side of the Rio Grande and troops of the French and Austrians on the one hand and the Mexicans on the other battled just across the river—during that period Clarksville was a veritable no-man's land.

Mentions: Mrs. Clearwater's father, William H. Clark * Mrs. Clew French * Gen. Taylor * Fort Brown * Capt. Richard King * Capt. Mifflin Kenedy * A. J. Davis * White's ranch * Miss Grace * The King & Kenedy Steamship Company * the Morgan Line * Port Isabel * Joseph H. Clearwater, conductor for the Port Isabel & Rio Grande Railway * Tampico * Capt. Jesse Thornham * Mary Anne Gallagher * Mrs. Anna Selkirk * Capt. William Kelly * Misses Nora, Geraldine * Captain Alonzo Ridley * Captain Gift

General Albert Sidney Johnston At Mesilla

By Colonel M. L. Crimmins.

Account of the great general of Texas who in 1836 helped her establish her independence. He rendered distinguished services with the Army during the war with Mexico. He led a successful expedition against the Mormons in 1857 and 1858, and at the outbreak of the Civil War was in command or the Department of California.

Further Mentions: Chino Ranch, thirty miles east of Los Angeles * Dr. Frazze * Major Lewis Armistead * Aaron B.' Hardcastle * Edward B. D. Riley * John T. Shaaf * Richard H. Brewer * Wm. N. Wickliff * Francis Mallory * Warner's ranch, one hundred miles from Los Angeles * Valecito * Lieut. Richard S. C. Lord * Dragoon Springs * Fort Cummings * Captain Isaiah Moore * General Anson Mills * W. W. Mills of El Paso * John R. Baylor * Cook's spring * Emmett, Fremon Thomas, Joe Roacher, M. Champion, John Pontell, Bob Aldin and John Wilson * Mangas Colorados * Fort Fillmore * Captain Coopwood's spy company *

Let's Know Texas And Texans

BY WILL H. MAYES Mentions: Gen. William J. Worth, for whom Fort Worth was named * W. P. Zuber * William G. Cooke * Capt. George R. Freeman * Deaf Smith, D. W. Rives * Y. P. Alsbury, E. R. Rainwater, John Garner * Veseley * Tom Green * Blair's landing on Red River * Alonzo Alverez de Pineda * Waterloo * Montopolis bridge * General Cass of Michigan * Hardin R. Runnels * Chief Placido * Deaf Smith, D. W. Rives, John Coker, Y. P. Alsbury, E. R. Rainwater, John Garner and Moses Lapham * etc, etc

Muzzle Loadings

Mentions: Ramon Muzquiz, Political Chief of the Department of Bexar * William Alexander Hodge * Mrs. W. E. Hunter of Jaurdanton, Texas * Hilton R. Greer * Keith Martin * Mr. G. H. Lonkey, of Shiocton, Wisconsin * James Oliver Curwood * Howard W. Meyer * Captain John R. Hughes * Tanner H. Freeman, of San Antonio, Texas * Howard W. Meyer * Dr. J. J. Taylor * Dr. James Quayle Dealey. William B. Ruggles * Captain G. Keith Gordon * the Witte Museum * Elder John S. Durst * Mac Matthews of Gustine, Comanche county, Texas * J. Ralph Dailey

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